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CalendarJune11 → Indomitable Passion Day

Indomitable Passion Day

Indomitable Passion Day is held on June 11. This event in the second decade of the month June is annual. Help us Help us 
11 June - Indomitable Passion Day
The concept of this unusual holiday came from some English-speaking social networks users in summer of 2018. In 2019, a number of media resources showed interest in it. So the holiday became known to a wider audience.
Passion is often a negative emotional state, the desire to possess something or someone exclusively for oneself, and in general, the context of this phenomenon is usually purely selfish. A passionate person may well be captured by a kind of blindness, ignore many circumstances and expectations of people around him, than even harm himself.
Indomitable passion, unfortunately, generally implies the absence of any hope for a successful outcome of any aspiration, and we do not recommend you celebrating this holiday, but instead use this day to contemplate if you are in captivity of some indomitable passion.
We wish you to be free!

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