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20 мая 2024, понедельник 23:20

№ 19503794

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
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Les secrets de beauté de Jennifer Lopez : inspiration et conseils pratiques (E-News)
En regardant Jennifer Lopez, on voit l'idéal de beauté et de style. La façon dont elle maintient sa forme étonnante et son apparence impeccable suscite toujours de l'intérêt. Aujourd'hui, nous allons vous parler des secrets de beauté de cette femme magnifique - chanteuse, actrice, créatrice de mode et tout simplement une icône de style. Figure : danse ...
3 easy ways to eliminate dark circles under the eyes (E-News)
Dark circles under the eyes are one of the most common facial skin problems for women. But there are some simple and effective ways to combat this nuisance, apart from makeup. We take a look at three time-tested methods that can help you get rid of dark circles and refresh the skin around your eyes. PotatoesDespite its simplicity, potatoes are a great remedy for dark circles under the eyes. ...
Young and healthy skin in 9 days by Amy Wexler (E-News)
American dermatologist and cosmetologist Amy Wexler has developed the “Young and Healthy Skin in 9 Days” program. The basic principles of the program were published in Wexler's book “The Mind-Beauty Connection”. Today you have the opportunity to learn the way to rejuvenate your skin in just 9 days. Dr. Wexler states that the main cause of signs of aging skin is not only age, but also constant ...
19 Май
Facial exercises: the secret to youthfulness and firmness (E-News)
Facial lifting exercises are not only an effective way to keep your skin young, but also a wonderful exercise for strengthening muscles and maintaining clear facial contours. Regular training of the facial muscles helps to reduce wrinkles and give the skin firmness and elasticity. One of the effective exercises for facial muscles is the “Capricious Princess”. To perform it, you need to press ...
19 Май
Face tinting: rules and secrets (E-News)
Fashion and trends in makeup change over time. If 20-30 years ago, women used only powder, today it is hard to imagine makeup without foundation. Toning the face has become an integral part of many images. It not only gives the skin an even shade, but also protects it from the negative effects of the environment. It is important to understand how to apply the tone correctly to avoid an unnatural ...
18 Май
Emphasize the waist in style (E-News)
In the course of life, the contours of our body are constantly changing, and often the waist and abdomen become problem areas. As we get older and have children, it's not always easy to keep the same shape and wear tight-fitting clothes. But there are ways to solve this problem without having to give up your favorite things. Here are some simple tips. One of the basic principles is to choose ...
17 Май
How to choose a foundation cream: the secrets of flawless makeup (E-News)
What a miracle this foundation cream is! A panacea for our skin, a universal cure. When you apply it, pimples and wrinkles in the corners of your eyes disappear. The traces of sleep deprivation under your eyes disappear, and you become as fresh as a flower. But how to choose a foundation? It's not an easy task - it shouldn't look like you've smeared your face with lime to make you look ...
17 Май
How inappropriate products can damage beauty (E-News)
In the constant pursuit of the perfect image, many of us are faced with the problem of choosing cosmetics. But few people think about how the wrong products can have a negative impact on our skin and overall health. Most of us apply cosmetics in an effort to look more attractive and well-groomed. However, many cosmetics contain chemical ingredients that can cause irritation, allergies, and even ...
16 Май
Lips in the summer light: care and tips (E-News)
Summer calls for romance, walks and moonlit kisses, but what about your lips? Could they have suffered from sunlight and wind damage? If so, this article will help bring them back soft and tender. Exfoliation In summer, lips become rough and chapped due to sun and wind exposure. The solution is simple: first apply a greasy lipstick, wait for it to soften your lips, then use some sugar as a ...
16 Май
5 surprising facts about apples (E-News)
Apart from their great taste, apples have amazing properties. In this article, we will share five surprising facts about apples. Apples are beneficial for the respiratory system. A study by British scientists showed that children whose mothers consumed apples during pregnancy had a significantly lower chance of getting asthma. This fruit is also beneficial for adults, helping to prevent various ...
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