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CalendarOctober6 → Logistics Day in Argentina

Logistics Day in Argentina

Logistics Day in Argentina is held on October 6. This event in the first decade of the month October is annual. Help us Help us 
6 October - Logistics Day in Argentina
Since 2013, every October 6 is celebrated the Logistics Day, that is, to professionals dedicated to the supply of different industries.
Logistics has always existed and good proof of this are the great works of humanity such as the pyramids of Egypt or Roman constructions.
The word logistics comes from "logistikos", a term used in the 7th century B.C., which in turn means "skilled in calculating" or "knowing how to calculate".
In 489 B.C., in Greece, the word logistics was already in use, and it defined "to do something logical".
The modern view of logistics is attributed to Baron Antoine-Henri Jomini, who in his text Précis de l'art de la guerre (Compendium of the Art of War), referred to the theory of supply and distribution of troops and war strategy.
In 1844, the French engineer, mathematician and economist Jules Juvenel Dupuit defined logistics as the one that manages the activities related to movement and storage in a coordinated way, and generates added value.
The year 1962 can be considered the year of the birth of the logistics function with its current name with the appearance of the CLM (Council Logistics Management), a professional organization of logistics managers, teachers and professionals.
Since then, logistics is an activity and tool that has been constantly renewed. On the other hand, the reason for celebrating this date is to praise both executives and technicians who participate in making a supply chain effective; this in order to ensure that the final consumer has the product available and also that the latter is accessible at the lowest possible price in the market.

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