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29 мая 2024, среда 23:51

№ 19500856

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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28 Май
Ukraine's plans on the way to the EU: the conference must take place under any conditions (E-News)
Ukraine is working hard to ensure that the intergovernmental conference for negotiations on accession to the European Union takes place in June. Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Olha Stefanishyna assured that the Ukrainian side is ready for any scenario in order for this conference to take place. Stefanyshyn emphasized that Ukraine has plans B, C and D in case of ...
24 Май
In Kiew fand die feierliche Unterzeichnung des Rahmenabkommens zwischen der Ukraine und der EU statt (E-News)
Am Mittwoch, den 22. Mai, fand in Kiew die feierliche Unterzeichnung des Rahmenabkommens zwischen der Ukraine und der Europäischen Union über die Finanzierung im Rahmen der Ukraine-Fazilität statt. Die Vereinbarung wurde von der Wirtschaftsministerin der Ukraine, Julia Swyridenko, und dem EU-Kommissar für Europäische Nachbarschaftspolitik und Erweiterungsverhandlungen, ...
24 Май
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is on the way to the decriminalization of theft: what is expected from the innovations (E-News)
On May 22, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted as a basis a draft law that provides for significant changes in the field of criminal liability for property theft. According to the proposed legislation, theft of property worth up to 4,552 hryvnias will be punished exclusively administratively. People's deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak, a representative of the "Voice" faction, informs about ...
24 Май
Sie stellten ein Projekt vor, das eine radikale Umgestaltung typischer sowjetischer Schulen beinhaltet (E-News)
In der Ukraine wurde ein Projekt vorgestellt, das eine radikale Umgestaltung typischer sowjetischer Schulen vorsieht. Die meisten Schulgebäude in der Ukraine wurden nach sowjetischen Plänen gebaut, die heute nicht mehr modernen Standards entsprechen. Sie sind veraltet, dunkel und verfügen oft über nicht funktionale Räume. Dies teilte der Pressedienst des Ministeriums ...
24 Май
The Verkhovna Rada introduced a moratorium on the bankruptcy of critical infrastructure facilities (E-News)
On May 22, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted draft law No. 8316, which introduces a moratorium on the bankruptcy of state-owned critical infrastructure facilities. This moratorium will remain in effect during martial law and for two years after its end. People's deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak announced this, noting that 227 people's deputies voted for the adoption of the law. The draft law ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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Die Ukraine erwartet 1,7 Milliarden Euro aus den eingefrorenen Vermögenswerten der Russischen Föderation: Was ist darüber bekannt? (E-News)
In diesem Jahr kann die Ukraine einen erheblichen Betrag von 1,7 Milliarden Euro aus den Gewinnen erhalten, die auf Kosten der in Belgien eingefrorenen russischen Vermögenswerte erzielt wurden. Dies erklärte der Präsident der Ukraine, Wolodymyr Selenskyj, auf einer Pressekonferenz in Brüssel, berichtet „Evropeyska Pravda“. Bereits im Oktober letzten Jahres kündigte der ...
Die Staatsverschuldung der Ukraine überstieg 6 Billionen Hrywnja (E-News)
Im April 2024 stieg die Staatsverschuldung der Ukraine um 86,2 Milliarden UAH und überschritt damit die Marke von 6 Billionen UAH. Diese Daten wurden vom Finanzministerium veröffentlicht. Zum 30. April 2024 beliefen sich die gesamten staatlichen und staatlich garantierten Schulden der Ukraine auf 6.010,42 Milliarden UAH bzw. 151,52 Milliarden US-Dollar. Davon entfallen 4.298,92 ...
In Ukraine, they are resuming the acceptance of applications for subsidies for farmers in the liberated territories (E-News)
From May 28, the State Agrarian Register (DAR) again begins accepting applications for receiving a budget subsidy per hectare of cultivated agricultural land. This was reported by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food. Agricultural producers who work in regions where hostilities have ended or there was a temporary occupation have the right to apply. This applies to certain districts of ...
28 Май
50 Milliarden Dollar für die Ukraine aus russischen Vermögenswerten: Die USA sind bereit, sich mit den G7 zu einigen (E-News)
US-Finanzministerin Janet Yellen erklärte sich zu Gesprächen mit Kollegen aus den G7-Staaten über die Kreditvergabe an die Ukraine bereit. Dieses Darlehen soll durch Einkünfte aus eingefrorenen russischen Vermögenswerten besichert werden, berichtet Reuters. Derzeit findet in Italien ein Treffen der Finanzminister und Zentralbankchefs der G7-Staaten statt. Eines der ...
28 Май
Überleben im Winter: Die EBWE sucht nach Möglichkeiten, das Energiesystem der Ukraine wiederherzustellen (E-News)
Die Europäische Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung (EBWE) arbeitet gemeinsam mit westlichen Partnern aktiv daran, die Flexibilität des Energiesystems der Ukraine zu stärken und die Heizung in Regionen wiederherzustellen, in denen die Stromversorgung durch russische Angriffe zerstört wurde. Dies ist notwendig, um die Ukraine im nächsten Winter mit Wärme und ...
27 Май
The reputation of Tesla Motors significantly suffered due to the provocations of Elon Musk (E-News)
The reputation of the automobile giant Tesla Motors has significantly suffered due to the revolutions and provocations of its CEO Elon Musk, which has affected the company's poor image. This became obvious after the Axios Harris Poll 100. In 2021, Tesla ranked 8th among the 100 largest companies in America based on image. From that hour it plummeted to 63rd place. The Axios Harris Poll 100 ...
27 Май
Changes from the EU economic policy: a call from Germany and France (E-News)
The economic ministers of Germany and France, Robert Gabec and Bruno Le Maire, published a comprehensive draft concept that was called upon before the reform of economic policy in the European Union. According to the DPA agency, this initiative is aimed at stimulating economic growth and reducing bureaucracy over the next five years. The ministers spoke about the need to support research in the ...
27 Май
Der Oberste Gerichtshof wird Banken auf Antrag des Justizministeriums und der Notare die Offenlegung von Geheimnissen gestatten (E-News)
Am 23. Mai verabschiedete die Werchowna Rada der Ukraine als Grundlage den Gesetzentwurf Nr. 9235, der Änderungen der Rechtsvorschriften über die Offenlegung des Bankgeheimnisses und die Einrichtung einer Vormundschaft über das Eigentum natürlicher Personen vorsieht, die gemäß dem Gesetz als unerklärlich abwesend oder vermisst anerkannt wurden spezielle ...
27 Май
Google has enabled sharing passwords with family (E-News)
The long-awaited possibility to share passwords with loved ones has finally appeared in the Google Password Manager service. Google has confirmed that the feature will launch as part of the Google Play app update in May 2024. This was reported by Android Authority. The update allows users to securely share saved passwords with family members in Google Password Manager. Once shared, other users ...
23 Май
The Ministry of Social Policy and the World Bank are implementing a new initiative (E-News)
The Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine together with the World Bank are implementing a new initiative that will allow procurement for international donors through the ProZorro electronic system. This innovation will be implemented by the State Institution "Professional Procurement" as part of a pilot project. This was announced by Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Nadiya Bihun. She noted ...
Новости - Украина - Происшествия


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27 Май
Environ 6 500 accidents de la route faisant des victimes ont été enregistrés en Ukraine au cours des quatre premiers mois de 2024 (E-News)
Selon le Département des patrouilles de police, environ 6 500 accidents de la route (accidents) ayant fait des victimes ont été enregistrés en Ukraine au cours des premiers mois de 2024. Le prix est 6% plus élevé que pour la même période l'année dernière. Dans ces accidents, 813 personnes sont mortes. L’augmentation du nombre d’accidents de la ...
Новости - Украина - Наука и Новые технологии

Наука и Новые технологии

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28 Май
Alphabet and Meta are ready to invest millions in Hollywood content for the development of AI (E-News)
Alphabet, Meta Platforms and OpenAI are reportedly in talks with major Hollywood studios to license their content for use in advanced artificial intelligence (AI) systems for video creation. These tech giants are said to be developing systems that can generate realistic video scenes based on textual descriptions, and are offering studios tens of millions of dollars for their cooperation. ...
Новости - Украина - Спорт


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Exercises for a perfect figure (E-News)
The season of short skirts will not take you by surprise if you start working on your problem areas today. To tighten the figure in a short time, you do not need to make a lot of effort. It is enough to fulfill only one condition: to do yourself constantly. We have selected for you the most effective exercises for the areas that are most difficult to work out: abdomen, buttocks and thighs. Learn ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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The truth about washing your face with ice (E-News)
Ice can be used not only to cool down a drink, but also to improve the condition of the facial skin. Many people are aware of the healing properties of this simple remedy, but we don't always give it the importance it deserves. Washing your face with ice can be the perfect start to your morning and evening skin care routine. The traditional rinsing of the face with warm water and wiping with a ...
28 Май
How to reduce the volume of full legs: effective methods (E-News)
Are you embarrassed by your fat legs and dream of wearing your favorite miniskirts? It's time to take your appearance into your own hands! Cardio training plays a key role in reducing leg volume. 6 sessions of 30 minutes a week is your way to success. It can be running or swimming, the only important thing is to move to burn calories and create a negative energy balance, helping the body to use ...
28 Май
Autumn skin care: masks (E-News)
The fall period requires special attention to the skin of the face. To protect it from the adverse effects of the weather and keep it fresh and moisturized, prepare special homemade masks that effectively cope with these tasks. Apple mask Use a small apple, rub it and mix it with the white of a chicken egg and vegetable or olive oil. Apply the resulting mass on your face for 15 minutes, then ...
27 Май
The mystery of colored mascara: makeup artist tips (E-News)
Colored mascara is a powerful tool in the arsenal of cosmetics, but in order for it to really help in creating the perfect look, it is important to know how to use it correctly. Let's take a look at the techniques that will help you use colored mascara for both natural and expressive makeup. Natural makeupFashion shows often use a technique where the upper lashes are painted with black mascara ...
27 Май
Five Steps to Beauty (E-News)
You've probably been thinking about paying more attention to your appearance for a long time, but don't know where to start? Start today and it will become your new habit! To feel refreshed and attractive, all you have to do is follow our small beauty program. You'll feel more beautiful and confident every day. Confidence in your own attractiveness is a wonderful feeling. To achieve this, make ...
26 Май
How to determine when it's time to end a relationship (E-News)
Many of us face a moment when it seems that the relationship is no longer what it used to be. Instead of happiness and joy, there is only disappointment and emptiness. But how do you realize that the moment has come when it's time to say “stop” and start a new chapter in your life? The first signal can come from within, from the heart. When you no longer feel the joy of communicating with your ...
26 Май
Diet for kidney disease: important aspects and recommendations (E-News)
When kidney problems occur, doctors often recommend a special diet #7. Adherence to this diet plays a key role in the rapid recovery of the kidneys. It is aimed at limiting extractive substances, improving the elimination of toxins and anti-inflammatory action. The diet for kidney disease should be varied, vitaminized and contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates within reasonable limits. It is ...
25 Май
Psychology of makeup: what you can learn (E-News)
Makeup is not only a means of transformation, but also a kind of mirror of your personality. It reflects not only your style preferences, but also says a lot about your character. Natural makeup, in which you prefer a minimum of cosmetics, indicates your self-sufficiency and self-confidence. You tend to be analytical and prefer to draw attention to your inner qualities rather than your outward ...
25 Май
Anastasia Volochkova: the secret of the famous ballerina's slimness (E-News)
The secret of slimness of the famous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova turned out to be quite simple, as she herself claims. She shared it on her Twitter, publishing a photo of her “dense” dinner, consisting of a small amount of parsley and 1-2 fresh cucumbers. When asked by one of her followers about how one can get full with such a dinner, the ballerina replied that one should load oneself with ...
24 Май
How to get rid of a second chin: tips and recommendations (E-News)
The second chin is always associated with an aesthetic defect of appearance, which can be caused by various reasons, including excess weight and age-related changes. However, it can also appear at a young age, especially if there is a hereditary predisposition. In addition to genetics, a second chin can arise due to poor posture, a habit of sleeping on high pillows, long periods of sitting in ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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Poland is improving its borders: a large-scale protection program worth 2.5 billion dollars (E-News)
Poland has launched an ambitious project to build fortifications on the border with Russia and Belarus, which involves the creation of detection and warning systems, advanced military bases, logistics hubs and anti-drone systems. According to official data, this project is estimated to cost 10 billion zlotys, which is more than 2.5 billion US dollars. The Deputy Minister of National Defense of ...
23 Май
Schweden erhöht militärische Unterstützung für die Ukraine um 7 Milliarden Dollar bis 2026 (E-News)
Die schwedische Regierung hat gemeinsam mit der regierungsfreundlichen Partei der Schwedendemokraten ein Programm zur umfangreichen militärischen Unterstützung der Ukraine im Wert von 75 Milliarden SEK (etwa 7,01 Milliarden USD) in den nächsten drei Jahren beschlossen. Die Initiative soll die Verteidigungskapazitäten der Ukraine inmitten wachsender geopolitischer Spannungen ...
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