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6 мая 2024, понедельник 17:03

№ 19482150

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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Changements à la commission médicale militaire : ce qui va changer à partir du 4 mai (E-News)
A partir du 4 mai, les hommes âgés de 18 à 60 ans bénéficiant du statut «d'aptitude limitée» devront se soumettre à un deuxième examen médical. Ceci est rapporté par Liga.net. Le ministère de la Défense a soumis des amendements à l'arrêté n° 402 sur le travail des commissions médicales militaires, qui entreront en ...
03 Май
New perspectives for veterans: benefits and employment opportunities (E-News)
After returning to civilian life, war veterans often face a number of challenges, including finding work. However, benefits and guarantees of social protection for this category of citizens are legislated in Ukraine. The Law of Ukraine "On the Status of War Veterans, Guarantees of Their Social Protection" establishes a list of benefits granted to veterans upon employment. The Ukrainian Veterans' ...
01 Май
Retour des Ukrainiens de l'UE : décisions du gouvernement et perspectives (E-News)
Dans un contexte de guerre et de changements constants sur la scène internationale, la question du statut des Ukrainiens à l’étranger devient de plus en plus urgente. La vice-Première ministre ukrainienne chargée de l'intégration européenne et euro-atlantique, Olha Stefanishyna, a déclaré qu'il n'y aurait aucune restriction ni retour forcé des ...
01 Май
Risks and prospects of the new draft law on gambling in Ukraine (E-News)
At first glance, the new draft law on gambling, which was passed in the first reading on April 24, 2024, should be a step towards greater regulation and control in this area in Ukraine. However, according to Anton Kuchuhidze, the Chairman of the All-Ukrainian Gambling Council, the text of the document not only does not meet the requirements of transparency and adequacy, but can also become the ...
30 Апр
Ukraine is preparing to receive significant aid from Japan (E-News)
Ukraine is preparing to receive significant assistance from Japan in the form of more than 100 large generators with a total capacity of more than 130 MW. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Energy. It is noted that during the visit of the Ukrainian delegation to Japan, headed by the Minister of Energy Herman Galushchenko, a meeting was held with the leadership of the Japan ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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On the initiative of the IT coalition, the Armed Forces received the first piece of equipment in the amount of 900,000 euros (E-News)
On the initiative of the IT coalition led by Estonia and Luxembourg, the Armed Forces of Ukraine received the first piece of equipment worth 900,000 euros. This includes laptops, monitors and other communications equipment that will soon be transferred to military units. The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine confirmed this information. This equipment will help improve communication and planning of ...
Support for drone manufacturers: The government launches a grant program under «Made in Ukraine» (E-News)
Ukrainian drone manufacturers will have the opportunity to receive significant support from the state through a grant program that provides financing on preferential terms. According to the government's decision, companies engaged in the production of drones can receive up to 80% of the cost of their project in the form of a grant. This initiative will be available to manufacturers throughout ...
03 Май
Augmentation du trafic passagers : Ukrzaliznytsia et les destinations les plus populaires (E-News)
Au cours des quatre premiers mois de 2024, la société par actions «Ukrzaliznytsia» a enregistré une augmentation d'un quart du trafic de passagers sur les trains longue distance par rapport à la même période de l'année dernière. C'est ce qu'a rapporté le service de presse de "Ukrzaliznytsia". Il est à noter qu'entre janvier et avril de cette ...
02 Май
Avantages pour les entrepreneurs de Kharkiv : comment cela affectera le budget de la ville (E-News)
Le conseil municipal de Kharkiv, lors de sa séance extraordinaire du 30 avril, a décidé d'exonérer les entrepreneurs locaux du paiement des impôts fonciers et immobiliers et d'un impôt unique pour le 4e groupe d'entreprises privées. C'est ce qu'a annoncé le maire de Kharkiv Igor Terekhov. Selon la décision adoptée, du 1er avril au 30 juin 2024, ...
02 Май
The US Senate unanimously supported a bill banning the import of enriched uranium from Russia (E-News)
The US Senate unanimously supported a bill banning the import of enriched uranium from Russia, sending it to President Joe Biden for signature. This important initiative was a reaction to the high level of dependence of American nuclear power plants on Russian supplies. According to a Bloomberg report, the law provides for an immediate ban on imports of Russian uranium to the United States ...
01 Май
Ukrposhta vend plus de 500 unités de transport ancien (E-News)
La campagne de réforme de la flotte d'Ukrposhta se poursuit et l'entreprise met désormais en vente plus de 500 véhicules obsolètes, parmi lesquels des voitures et des camions, des remorques, des semi-remorques et des tracteurs. La vente aura lieu via la plateforme "ProZorro. Sales", a rapporté le service de presse d'Ukrposhta. Les représentants de l'entreprise ...
30 Апр
La FSMU a noté des réalisations impressionnantes dans le domaine de la privatisation (E-News)
Le Fonds immobilier d'État d'Ukraine a noté la semaine dernière des réalisations impressionnantes dans le domaine de la privatisation, au cours desquelles 13 enchères ont eu lieu, au cours desquelles des actifs d'une valeur de près de 60 millions de hryvnias ont été vendus. C'est ce qu'a rapporté le service de presse de la FSMU, soulignant le ...
Новости - Украина - Наука и Новые технологии

Наука и Новые технологии

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02 Май
Learning to count: playful methods for toddlers (E-News)
When to start teaching a child oral counting? Opinions on this matter vary, but from the age of two, when speech is actively developing, you can start learning. The main thing is to interest the baby. Perhaps you will encounter resistance and reluctance of the child to learn, but do not despair. There are many methods that will make the process fun for your baby. It is important to remain ...
30 Апр
How to teach a child to draw: tips and methods (E-News)
Imagine the scene: your baby with a pencil or felt-tip pen in his hands, but his creativity on paper is not always clear yet. But do not despair - after all, the artist in him can be developed gradually. Let's look at a few important tips that will help you instill in your child a love and interest in drawing. Never suppress the creativity of a little artist. When your child brings his work and ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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Cuidados suaves: la piel de los bebés (E-News)
La piel de los bebés, aunque parezca tan delicada y frágil, en realidad tiene características especiales y requiere cuidados especiales. Como sus mecanismos de defensa aún no están completamente desarrollados, puede irritarse con facilidad y quedar expuesta a factores externos. Por eso es importante utilizar productos especiales diseñados específicamente para el ...
Cure naturali: cosmetici per il viso a casa (E-News)
La cura della pelle del viso è una parte importante del rituale di bellezza e molte persone preferiscono utilizzare prodotti naturali che possono essere facilmente preparati in casa. Questi prodotti non solo sono efficaci, ma forniscono alla pelle una cura naturale, priva di additivi chimici. Per le pelli grasse e problematiche è adatta una maschera a base di albume d'uovo e succo di ...
Spicy appetizer: cheese, apples and nuts (E-News)
A unique appetizer that will become a real decoration of a buffet table or a festive feast. Spicy appetizer of apples and cheese has a bright flavor and will definitely not leave indifferent guests. Here's how to make it. For this appetizer you will need the following ingredients: 2 sweet-sour apples2 tbsp. lemon juice2 tbsp. of grated cheese100 grams of walnuts1 clove of garlic1 tsp. sugar1 ...
05 Май
Utrata wagi a zdrowie (E-News)
Naukowcy ze Stanów Zjednoczonych przedstawili wyjaśnienie, dlaczego utrata masy ciała sprzyja lepszemu zdrowiu. Twierdzą oni, że utrata masy ciała prowadzi do zmniejszenia stanu zapalnego w organizmie. W ten sposób nie tylko wygląd, ale także stan funkcjonalny narządów wraca do normy. W badaniu przeprowadzonym przez pracowników ...
05 Май
Signos de envejecimiento y cómo combatirlos (E-News)
A medida que envejecemos, nuestro cuerpo cambia, y estos cambios no sólo afectan a nuestro estilo de vida, sino también a nuestro aspecto. En las mujeres, a partir de los 35 años empiezan a aparecer los principales signos del envejecimiento. Uno de ellos es la papada y la mandíbula caída. Cada persona envejece de forma individual, y los signos del envejecimiento pueden ...
05 Май
Ginger tea: a magic remedy for weight loss (E-News)
Ginger has long been recognized as one of the most effective products for weight loss. Using ginger tea in the process of weight loss not only helps burn extra calories, but also improves the general condition of the body, stimulating metabolism and increasing immunity. Cooking ginger tea is a simple and affordable way to enrich your diet with a useful drink that not only helps to lose weight, ...
05 Май
Colori e pensieri: l'influenza dell'ambiente sulla psiche (E-News)
Una ricerca condotta da scienziati britannici dell'Università di Cambridge e dell'Università d'Inghilterra ha portato a una conclusione interessante: i colori che ci circondano hanno un impatto diretto sulla nostra percezione del mondo e sui nostri pensieri. Durante l'esperimento, ai volontari è stato chiesto di risolvere problemi morali mentre venivano presentate domande su uno ...
05 Май
Diet for expectant mothers: choosing the right products (E-News)
The role of a balanced diet during pregnancy is difficult to overestimate, because it depends not only on the health of the mother, but also on the development of the child. Let's look at the ten most useful products for expectant moms. Yogurt This dairy product is rich in calcium, and its active cultures can prevent stomach disorders and yeast infections in future moms. Yogurt can be used as a ...
04 Май
Smażenie smacznych naleśników z mlekiem (E-News)
Wraz z nadejściem Wielkiego Postu w prawosławnym kalendarzu naszych przodków tradycyjnie był tydzień, który nazywano tygodniem oleju lub naleśników. a wszystko dlatego, że w tym czasie nie wolno było już jeść mięsa, ale mleko, jajka i naleśniki były mile widziane. ta tradycja wielu pobożnie obserwuje do ...
04 Май
A sweet and savory diet for good health (E-News)
For many women, following a diet becomes a challenge because of restrictions on sweets. However, there is good news: a sweet diet can help you lose weight without depriving you of the pleasure of sweets. Of course, this does not mean that you can eat your favorite sweets in unlimited quantities, but there are a number of sweet foods that can be included in the diet: honey, jams, fruits, dried ...
Новости - Украина - Культура


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02 Май
Strengthening cultural ties: Estonia returns cultural heritage artifacts to Ukraine (E-News)
On April 30, the National Museum of the History of Ukraine held a solemn presentation of 274 archeology artifacts, among which 115 are ancient coins. These cultural values were previously illegally exported from Ukraine, but thanks to the efforts of Estonian border guards, they returned to their homeland. This was reported in the press service of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine. "Now, ...
30 Апр
Kharkiv is renaming metro stations and streets (E-News)
In Kharkiv, there will be significant changes in the toponymy of the city, in particular, two metro stations and about 370 streets whose names are associated with the aggressor country will be renamed. This was reported by representatives of the Kharkiv City Council. On April 26, a meeting of the city commission on toponymy and protection of the historical and cultural environment was held, at ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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30 Апр
En Pologne, le nombre de services consulaires fournis aux Ukrainiens a été réduit (E-News)
En Pologne, le nombre de services consulaires fournis aux Ukrainiens a été réduit de 20 % après l'introduction de la loi sur la mobilisation en Ukraine. Cette information a été rendue publique dans l'un des consulats ukrainiens en Pologne, rapporte "Ukrinform". Les représentants du consulat ont indiqué qu'après la suspension temporaire de certains ...
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