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29 мая 2024, среда 09:58

№ 19500379

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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24 Май
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is on the way to the decriminalization of theft: what is expected from the innovations (E-News)
On May 22, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted as a basis a draft law that provides for significant changes in the field of criminal liability for property theft. According to the proposed legislation, theft of property worth up to 4,552 hryvnias will be punished exclusively administratively. People's deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak, a representative of the "Voice" faction, informs about ...
24 Май
The Verkhovna Rada introduced a moratorium on the bankruptcy of critical infrastructure facilities (E-News)
On May 22, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted draft law No. 8316, which introduces a moratorium on the bankruptcy of state-owned critical infrastructure facilities. This moratorium will remain in effect during martial law and for two years after its end. People's deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak announced this, noting that 227 people's deputies voted for the adoption of the law. The draft law ...
23 Май
La Verkhovna Rada a soutenu la loi sur la lutte contre la fraude électronique (E-News)
En première lecture, la Verkhovna Rada a adopté le projet de loi n° 10190 visant à modifier le code pénal pour lutter contre la fraude électronique. C'est ce qu'a annoncé Yaroslav Zheleznyak, vice-président de la commission parlementaire des finances, de la fiscalité et de la police douanière. Selon lui, le projet de loi a reçu le soutien de 267 ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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In Ukraine, they are resuming the acceptance of applications for subsidies for farmers in the liberated territories (E-News)
From May 28, the State Agrarian Register (DAR) again begins accepting applications for receiving a budget subsidy per hectare of cultivated agricultural land. This was reported by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food. Agricultural producers who work in regions where hostilities have ended or there was a temporary occupation have the right to apply. This applies to certain districts of ...
27 Май
Changes from the EU economic policy: a call from Germany and France (E-News)
The economic ministers of Germany and France, Robert Gabec and Bruno Le Maire, published a comprehensive draft concept that was called upon before the reform of economic policy in the European Union. According to the DPA agency, this initiative is aimed at stimulating economic growth and reducing bureaucracy over the next five years. The ministers spoke about the need to support research in the ...
23 Май
Shmyhal demande aux ingénieurs de l'énergie d'élaborer des calendriers équitables pour les coupures d'électricité (E-News)
Le premier ministre ukrainien Denys Shmyhal a demandé au ministère de l'énergie et à Ukrenergo d'élaborer une résolution gouvernementale qui garantira des calendriers de coupures de courant équitables pour les consommateurs. Il a fait cette annonce lors d'une réunion du gouvernement le 21 mai. Shmyhal a souligné que le nouveau document devrait inclure ...
23 Май
The Ministry of Social Policy and the World Bank are implementing a new initiative (E-News)
The Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine together with the World Bank are implementing a new initiative that will allow procurement for international donors through the ProZorro electronic system. This innovation will be implemented by the State Institution "Professional Procurement" as part of a pilot project. This was announced by Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Nadiya Bihun. She noted ...
22 Май
Augmentation des tarifs de l'électricité : à quoi s'attendre à partir de juin ? (E-News)
Le ministère ukrainien de l'énergie annonce que de nouveaux tarifs d'électricité pour les ménages seront introduits en juin. Selon le vice-ministre Mykola Kolisnyk, ces tarifs seront abordables pour les citoyens. Il a annoncé cette information lors d'un téléthon unique organisé le mardi 21 mai. Le tarif actuel restera en vigueur jusqu'à la fin du ...
22 Май
Competition with Huawei forces Apple to cut iPhone prices in China (E-News)
Apple, one of the world's leading smartphone manufacturers, has launched an active discount campaign for some iPhone models on its official Tmall website in China, offering discounts of up to 2300 yuan (or 318 USD). This strategy was a response to the growing competition from Huawei, a well-known Chinese smartphone manufacturer. This was reported by Reuters. The discount promotion, which will ...
Новости - Украина - Наука и Новые технологии

Наука и Новые технологии

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28 Май
Elon Musk envisage de créer un supercalculateur pour une nouvelle génération d'intelligence artificielle (E-News)
Le célèbre homme d'affaires Elon Musk a annoncé les projets ambitieux de sa startup dans le domaine de l'intelligence artificielle xAI : créer un supercalculateur pour la prochaine version du chatbot Grok. Cette nouvelle a déjà suscité une attention considérable dans le monde technologique. Selon Reuters, Musk prévoit de lancer un nouveau ...
Новости - Украина - Спорт


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28 Май
Utrata wagi: sekrety diety i fitnessu (E-News)
Wiele osób nadal wierzy, że można schudnąć bez ćwiczeń. Ale czy rzeczywiście tak jest? Trening fitness, poranne bieganie, podnoszenie hantli... Kobiety zmagające się z nadwagą często wierzą, że to nie dla nich. Zamiast tego ograniczają to, co jedzą. Rezultaty jednak nie przychodzą, a liczby na wadze nie ...
28 Май
Bodyflex: los secretos para adelgazar los muslos (E-News)
¿Quieres deshacerte de los centímetros de más exactamente en los muslos? La técnica «bodyflex» puede convertirse en su fiel ayudante. El principio de la pérdida de peso en partes específicas del cuerpo es bastante simple: perder el exceso de peso y, a continuación, realizar ejercicios destinados a quemar grasa en los lugares adecuados. Sin embargo, la ...
26 Май
Come scegliere uno stile di yoga (E-News)
Avete deciso di immergervi nel mondo dello yoga, ma vi trovate di fronte al problema di quale stile scegliere? Lo yoga è una varietà di pratiche fisiche e spirituali e la scelta di uno stile può essere difficile per i principianti. Vediamo di capire qual è lo stile giusto per voi. La parola “yoga” si traduce in “unione” o “equilibrio”, riferendosi all'armonia tra mente e ...
24 Май
Ćwiczenia na jędrne pośladki (E-News)
Ćwiczenie nr 1. Połóż się na podłodze na brzuchu, zegnij nogi w kolanach i zbliż je do siebie. Napnij mięśnie brzucha, nóg i pośladków. Zacznij powoli podnosić nogi, a następnie powoli je opuszczaj. Powtórz 10-15 razy. Ćwiczenie nr 2. Uklęknij. Balansuj ramionami i naprzemiennie opuszczaj się na prawe i ...
23 Май
Tobulos figūros kūrimo paslaptys (E-News)
Slidinėjimas - tai ne tik šokinėjimas per virvutę, bet ir nauja fitneso pasaulio tendencija, kuri gali greitai ir lengvai sutvarkyti jūsų figūrą. Tai tarsi sugrįžimas prie gerai pamirštų senų žaidimų iš vaikystės, tik dabar su rimtesniu požiūriu. Jei jūsų tikslas - greitai numesti svorio ir ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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The truth about washing your face with ice (E-News)
Ice can be used not only to cool down a drink, but also to improve the condition of the facial skin. Many people are aware of the healing properties of this simple remedy, but we don't always give it the importance it deserves. Washing your face with ice can be the perfect start to your morning and evening skin care routine. The traditional rinsing of the face with warm water and wiping with a ...
28 Май
Maquillaje: los secretos de la juventud (E-News)
En el mundo de la belleza, cada etapa de la vida requiere un enfoque diferente, y el maquillaje para la edad no es una excepción. La regla principal del maquillaje rejuvenecedor es que cada paso debe ir encaminado a aportar juventud. A medida que envejecemos, los contornos faciales, la textura y el tono de la piel cambian, y es nuestro trabajo hacer todo lo posible para tener un aspecto ...
28 Май
Istruttore di yoga: come fare la scelta giusta (E-News)
La scelta dell'istruttore per le lezioni di yoga è un momento fondamentale che determina la vostra esperienza e i vostri risultati. Tra i tanti fitness club e scuole sportive, è importante concentrarsi non solo sul prestigio dell'istituzione, ma anche sulla professionalità dell'istruttore. Per ogni studente, lo yoga può avere un significato diverso: dal miglioramento della ...
28 Май
How to reduce the volume of full legs: effective methods (E-News)
Are you embarrassed by your fat legs and dream of wearing your favorite miniskirts? It's time to take your appearance into your own hands! Cardio training plays a key role in reducing leg volume. 6 sessions of 30 minutes a week is your way to success. It can be running or swimming, the only important thing is to move to burn calories and create a negative energy balance, helping the body to use ...
28 Май
Complesso tonificante contro la depressione (E-News)
Invece di sprofondare nella tristezza autunnale, combattete la depressione con l'aiuto di esercizi fisici! Anita Lutsenko, istruttrice di fitness del programma del canale STB “Zvazheni taschaslivi”, è d'accordo. “Non dovreste perdere tempo con lo scoraggiamento, quando potete portare il vostro corpo alla gioia e al cambiamento in meglio. Vi propongo una serie di esercizi brevi ma efficaci, ...
28 Май
Autumn skin care: masks (E-News)
The fall period requires special attention to the skin of the face. To protect it from the adverse effects of the weather and keep it fresh and moisturized, prepare special homemade masks that effectively cope with these tasks. Apple mask Use a small apple, rub it and mix it with the white of a chicken egg and vegetable or olive oil. Apply the resulting mass on your face for 15 minutes, then ...
27 Май
Métodos eficaces para combatir las estrías (E-News)
Las estrías en la piel son un problema al que se enfrentan muchas mujeres. Pero, ¿hay alguna forma de deshacerse de ellas? Y si es así, ¿hasta qué punto es posible? Las estrías pueden aparecer en la piel en forma de rayas blancas, estropeando el aspecto general. Suelen aparecer tras el embarazo, el parto o una pérdida repentina de peso. Veamos qué causas ...
27 Май
Tendenze senza tempo: acconciature alla moda (E-News)
Nel mondo della moda, ci sono acconciature che rimangono attuali anno dopo anno. Ecco cinque tagli di capelli classici che saranno sempre di tendenza. Scegliendo l'opzione perfetta, potrete essere sempre eleganti e alla moda. chignon Questa acconciatura è associata da molti a ballerine e insegnanti, ma in realtà è un'opzione versatile ed elegante. Lo chignon riappare ogni anno ...
27 Май
The mystery of colored mascara: makeup artist tips (E-News)
Colored mascara is a powerful tool in the arsenal of cosmetics, but in order for it to really help in creating the perfect look, it is important to know how to use it correctly. Let's take a look at the techniques that will help you use colored mascara for both natural and expressive makeup. Natural makeupFashion shows often use a technique where the upper lashes are painted with black mascara ...
27 Май
Los secretos de un rostro esbelto (E-News)
Para muchas personas, el problema de los kilos de más no se limita al cuerpo: también afecta al rostro. Mentón, mejillas, segunda barbilla... todas estas «zonas problemáticas» de la cara pueden ser motivo de preocupación. Pero hay una solución. Las estrellas del mundo del espectáculo comparten desde hace tiempo sus secretos para perfeccionar el contorno facial, ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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24 Май
Le gouvernement français a exprimé son soutien à la proposition américaine d'utiliser les avoirs russes gelés (E-News)
Le gouvernement français a exprimé son soutien à la proposition américaine d'utiliser les avoirs russes gelés. Cette décision augmente les chances de parvenir à un accord préliminaire sur l'attribution d'un important programme d'aide à l'Ukraine pouvant atteindre 50 milliards de dollars lors de la réunion des ministres des Finances des "Big Seven" ...
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