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3 июня 2024, понедельник 22:45

№ 19503794

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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28 Май
Ukraine's plans on the way to the EU: the conference must take place under any conditions (E-News)
Ukraine is working hard to ensure that the intergovernmental conference for negotiations on accession to the European Union takes place in June. Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Olha Stefanishyna assured that the Ukrainian side is ready for any scenario in order for this conference to take place. Stefanyshyn emphasized that Ukraine has plans B, C and D in case of ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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OPEC+ continues discussions on reducing oil production until 2025 (E-News)
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC+), together with its partners, is actively working to agree on an agreement on the further reduction of oil production, which can be carried out until 2025. According to Bloomberg, with reference to sources in OPEC+, officials of the participating countries are considering the possibility of extending restrictions on oil production by ...
The government has approved a two-year experimental project for the introduction of e-TTN for domestic freight transportation (E-News)
The Ukrainian government has approved a two-year experimental project on the introduction of an electronic waybill (e-TTN) for domestic freight transportation. The corresponding decision was made during the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on May 30. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure. The implementation of e-TTN is ...
31 Май
Growth of insurance compensations for victims of road accidents: Analysis for January-April 2024 (E-News)
In the first four months of the current year, Ukrainian insurance companies reimbursed road accident victims an amount that is a third higher than the corresponding payments last year. The Motor Transport Insurance Bureau of Ukraine (MTSBU) reported payments in the amount of 1,590.5 million hryvnias for January-April 2024, which is a 34% increase compared to the same period last year. The ...
30 Май
Ukrzaliznytsia received the first batch of rails from Japan: Infrastructure restoration continues (E-News)
JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia" received the first batch of rails weighing 25,000 tons from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). This transfer was made as part of the "Emergency Recovery Program" initiated by the Japanese government. This was reported by the press service of "Ukrzaliznytsia". The official certificate for rails was presented to Yevgeny Lyashchenko, the chairman of the board of ...
29 Май
In Ukraine, they are resuming the acceptance of applications for subsidies for farmers in the liberated territories (E-News)
From May 28, the State Agrarian Register (DAR) again begins accepting applications for receiving a budget subsidy per hectare of cultivated agricultural land. This was reported by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food. Agricultural producers who work in regions where hostilities have ended or there was a temporary occupation have the right to apply. This applies to certain districts of ...
Новости - Украина - Наука и Новые технологии

Наука и Новые технологии

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30 Май
Elon Musk's Neuralink: Brain Chip Clinical Trials Begin (E-News)
Neuralink, the company founded by Elon Musk, plans to begin clinical trials of its brain chip on three patients. These tests are expected to be carried out over several years, Reuters reports. The main goal of Neuralink is to create an implant that will enable paralyzed individuals to use digital devices with the help of thoughts. Last year, Neuralink said it intended to enroll 10 patients when ...
28 Май
Alphabet and Meta are ready to invest millions in Hollywood content for the development of AI (E-News)
Alphabet, Meta Platforms and OpenAI are reportedly in talks with major Hollywood studios to license their content for use in advanced artificial intelligence (AI) systems for video creation. These tech giants are said to be developing systems that can generate realistic video scenes based on textual descriptions, and are offering studios tens of millions of dollars for their cooperation. ...
Новости - Украина - Спорт


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31 Май
Tourism in Ukraine during the war: prohibitions and recommendations (E-News)
Despite the ongoing war and the constant threat of missile attacks from the Russian Federation, Ukrainians continue to look for opportunities for recreation within the country. Due to difficulties with tours abroad, many Ukrainians choose to travel around Ukraine, refraining from trips to frontline regions and territories that were under occupation. Access to the sea remains closed due to the ...
29 Май
Exercises for a perfect figure (E-News)
The season of short skirts will not take you by surprise if you start working on your problem areas today. To tighten the figure in a short time, you do not need to make a lot of effort. It is enough to fulfill only one condition: to do yourself constantly. We have selected for you the most effective exercises for the areas that are most difficult to work out: abdomen, buttocks and thighs. Learn ...
28 Май
14 dakikalık egzersiz: Lopez kalçasının sırrı (E-News)
Sadece birkaç hafta içinde poponuzu yeniden forma sokmayı vaat eden özel bir egzersiz yöntemi var. Marina del Rey'deki bir fitness merkezinin baş eğitmeni benzersiz bir program geliştirdi. Egzersizler sadece 14 dakika sürüyor ve evde bile yapılabiliyor. Bu sistemin etkinliği, egzersizlerin sırayla yapılması ve ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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7 tips for maintaining a youthful appearance (E-News)
“You look so young!” - this compliment is unrivaled. But how to always stay fresh and young? We're going to tell you about 7 secrets! Secret #1: Makeup foundation is the foundation of youth! Research from the University of Dermatology in Göttingen has shown that women with an even skin tone look younger. To hide minor imperfections and even out your complexion, use makeup foundation. ...
The subtle world of makeup: the secrets of illusion (E-News)
The mirror sometimes becomes our faithful assistant in creating the illusion of beauty. We want to hide flaws or emphasize the advantages: lift eyelids, make lips more plump or face more oval. After all, makeup artists, as if magicians, transform faces with a single brush stroke. And you can learn this art. Today we'll look at some tricks that will help you create the illusion of a perfect ...
02 Июн
Face: the mirror of life and care (E-News)
Why do some people look twenty-five at forty and others look forty at twenty-five? Creams, plastic surgery - yes, these are important, but there are other factors that affect the youthfulness of your skin. Heredity Heredity is something we don't choose. It is either there or it is not. No cream can help change heredity, but you can work with what you have. For example, if you and your mother ...
02 Июн
Four important steps for a flawless powder makeup look (E-News)
How do you create makeup that looks fresh and gorgeous all day long? One of the key elements is the proper application of powder. In this skill you will be helped by various tips offered by Veronika Nikulina, an experienced makeup artist from a Kiev beauty salon. Even distribution on the face and neck: Apply powder not only on the face, but also on the neck. This is important to create a uniform ...
01 Июн
How to improve the elasticity of your facial skin at home (E-News)
The face, neck and arms are three parts of the body that often give away age. To keep your skin looking young and fresh for as long as possible, you need to pay constant attention to skin care. As we age, however, many people face the problem of wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity. You can go to a beauty salon, where you will be offered professional facial treatments, or you can try to improve ...
01 Июн
Kefir solution: fighting cellulite (E-News)
Cellulite is a problem that many women want to solve, but preparations to combat it are expensive. However, there is an affordable solution - kefir. Using kefir to fight cellulite can be effective and more affordable. To do this, it is necessary to slightly heat kefir to a warm state, but not to boiling, and add 10 drops of rose or other essential oil, such as orange or lemon. The mixture should ...
31 Май
Simple styles for short hair: ideas from the stars (E-News)
Short haircuts are always in trend. They give the image freshness and style. And although it seems that with short hair there are not so many styling options, in fact there are many ways to give them variety. Let's take a look at some simple and stylish star-inspired styles. The side parting is one of the simplest and most elegant styles for short hair. To create this hairstyle, apply foam to ...
31 Май
Effective methods of express diets: fast and safe (E-News)
In the world of modern dietetics, express diets occupy a special place, promising to get rid of extra pounds in just a few days. If you are suddenly faced with the task of losing excess weight, express diets can be a reliable ally in this difficult endeavor. Their basic nutritional principles may vary, but their effectiveness has been proven by many users. One of the most popular express diets ...
30 Май
Menstruation and skin: choosing cosmetics (E-News)
Before the onset of menstruation, many women face skin problems: rashes appear, the skin becomes more sensitive. Change of cosmetics can solve this problem. After all, skin needs change depending on the phase of the cycle, and it is important to choose the right products for the current state of the skin. In the second phase of the cycle, the skin often lacks balance, greasiness and acne appear. ...
30 Май
Fighting the second chin: home methods (E-News)
To remove the so-called “second chin” independently, there are many effective exercises and masks. First, you should regularly perform the following exercise: take a heavy book and put it on your head. Walk around the room with it, keeping your back straight. At the same time, the chin should be slightly upward, not looking forward. Note that this is a very effective exercise, and to achieve ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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29 Май
Poland is improving its borders: a large-scale protection program worth 2.5 billion dollars (E-News)
Poland has launched an ambitious project to build fortifications on the border with Russia and Belarus, which involves the creation of detection and warning systems, advanced military bases, logistics hubs and anti-drone systems. According to official data, this project is estimated to cost 10 billion zlotys, which is more than 2.5 billion US dollars. The Deputy Minister of National Defense of ...
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