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15 мая 2024, среда 23:52

№ 19490871

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
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с комментариями
Myths about beauty and care (E-News)
Often we believe in “grandma's” beauty remedies, which seem to be able to turn us into real beauties. However, not all these tips turn out to be useful, and some can even be harmful. Let's understand some of them ... Many people think that mayonnaise is a great mask for hair. However, it is difficult to rinse out and can leave your hair feeling heavy and smelling unpleasant. It's better to use ...
7 rules for healthy nails in the summer season (E-News)
During summer, especially in metropolitan areas, nails are stressed due to heat, dry air and exposure to environmental pollutants. To keep them healthy and beautiful, follow these 7 simple nail care rules. Cover your nails with two coats of nail polish, preferably a healing polish with plant extracts and vitamins. This will protect your nails from brittleness and drying out. Apply polish once ...
14 Май
How to stay beautiful: summer grooming secrets (E-News)
In hot weather, attractiveness can be expressed in a well-groomed, fresh look that requires little effort. An important rule for summer is naturalness in hair and makeup. In this case, the makeup will remain perfect in any situation: on the beach, at a party, in the office or a walk on the streets. Simple hairstyles. In the heat, straight hair can lose volume due to humidity. It is best to take ...
12 Май
Take care of your feet: how to avoid corns and calluses (E-News)
Do you dream of smooth and well-groomed feet, but are constantly faced with calluses and corns? Let's understand why these problems can appear and how to deal with them. To do this, let's turn to the opinion of dermatologist Larisa Bondareva. Calluses and corns can occur for various reasons. One of the most common is wearing tight and unsuitable shoes, as well as excessive pedicure. Sometimes ...
12 Май
How to hide freckles: real tips (E-News)
Spring can be challenging for those who suffer from the appearance of freckles. The natural light makes them more noticeable, they seem to get brighter every day. But there are ways to make them less noticeable. Let's take a look at a few recommendations. IT IS TALKED THAT a tan will help hide freckles. However, direct exposure to sunlight can provoke their appearance. For those who already have ...
10 Май
Therapeutic properties of dance (E-News)
Dance is not only an art, but also a powerful tool for improving health. It combines the useful and the pleasant, helping not only to develop flexibility and stamina, but also to fight various problems of the body. Different types of dance therapy can be effective in addressing many health problems. Let's start with the nervous system. Modern life is like a complex labyrinth, where every turn ...
09 Май
Dental hygiene: the importance of orange foods and fish oil (E-News)
Sugar and coffee have long been recognized as enemies of dental health, but few people have considered what foods can be allies in dental hygiene. Nutritionist Rick Hay singles out orange and yellow foods such as carrots, pumpkin, peppers and citrus fruits as key helpers in maintaining dental health. They are rich in beta-carotene, which is transformed into vitamin A, essential for strong and ...
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