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The thoughts of a prisoner. Theme - «Stalinism»

4 quotes & wishes
Quotes and pictures for Stalinism. «The thoughts of a prisoner» quotation with photo.
«The thoughts of a prisoner» illustrated quotation. Stalinism, free quote pictures for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, Pinterest and other social networks.
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Quotes and wishes: «Stalinism»

Quotes & Wishes - The thoughts of a prisoner The thoughts of a prisoner

The thoughts of a prisoner—they’re not free either. They kept returning to the same things. A single idea keeps stirring. Would they feel that piece of bread in the mattress? Would he have any luck in the dispensary that evening? Would they out Buinovsky in the cells? And how did Tsezar get his hands on that warm vest?
(One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich)
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
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