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CalendarOctober17 → Digital Society Day in India

Digital Society Day in India

Digital Society Day in India is held on October 17. This event in the second decade of the month October is annual. Help us Help us 
17 October - Digital Society Day in India
October 17 is significant for the Digital Society in India since it was on October 17, 2000, that Information Technology Act 2000, the first law of the digital society in India was notified. This notification gave for the first time in the country, legal recognition for electronic documents. India became one of the first few countries in the world to enact a law of such nature in response to the call of the UNO through the circulation of UNCITRAL Model Law to all its members.
Information Technology Act 2000 (ITA-2000) made “Digital Contracts” a legal reality in India. Introduction of the concept of “Digital Signatures” revolutionalized the concept of “Information Technology”. ITA-2000 also addressed the needs of the Information Asset owners in India for a legal blanket of protection for the Information Assets through an effective deterrence mechanism against Cyber Crimes along with a quick grievance redressal system.

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