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CalendarNovember2 → All Saints Day

All Saints Day

All Saints Day is held on November 2. Celebrated on Saturday between October 31 and November 6 in Finland, Sweden, El Salvador. This event in the first decade of the month November is annual. Help us Help us 
2 November - All Saints Day
All Saints' Day is a massive celebration for Finns. All Saints' Day (in Finnish Pyhäinpäivä) is a traditional Christian holiday celebrated in most countries of the world on 1 November.
In Finland, a Nordic country with a Lutheran tradition and therefore unlikely to declare non-working days, All Saints' Day is observed on the first Saturday after 30 October since the mid-1950s.
All Saints’ Day has roots in the 700s, but gained importance in Sweden during the 1900s and was inspired by the Catholic tradition. In 1772, Swedish All Saints' Day was moved to the first Sunday in November. During the 1900s, people started lighting candles on the graves of their loved ones on All Saints' Day. Originally it was only the wealthy and upper classes who honored their dead this way. The Sweden All Saints’ Day holiday is, above all else, a day to remember and honor those who have passed away.
All Souls Day is an important day for all Salvadorans. This is an official holiday in El Salvador; therefore, public offices, governmental offices, and schools are closed.
All Souls Day & Day of the Dead are not the Same. Even though they are two different celebrations, Most Salvadorans use November 2nd as the precise date for the All Souls Day & Day of the Dead celebration.

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