International OK Day
International OK Day is held on March 23. This event in the third decade of the month March is annual. Help us
A day to recognize this popular word. It is believed that it was on this day in 1839 that the now beloved expression "o'kay" was first printed in the Boston Morning Post - that would be great, that would be OK! The humble ‘OK’ gets its chance to shine on OK Day, a global event celebrated on March 23 each year. This is an indicator that you are ready to speak with someone who needs help. International OK Day has the ability to educate and empower the community on so many amazing levels.
Louisa May Alcott's “Little Women” includes the word 'okay'; it is replaced by 'cozy' in the 1880 edition. Which is correct — okay or OK? Both are right, and there is no difference between their usage. They both appear as standard English versions, although certain official style guides require people to use one variation over the other.
Similar holidays and events, festivals and interesting facts
International Taxi Driver Day on March 22 (it was on this day in 1907 that the first taxis appeared on the streets of London);
World Maths Day on March 22 (date for 2025);
International Procrastination Day on March 25 (or World Procrastination Day);
EU Talent Day on March 25 (European Union)