Everything You Do is Right Day
Everything You Do is Right Day is held on March 16. This event in the second decade of the month March is annual.
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We all need one of these days, “Everything You Do is Right Day!”
High expectations incline people to rise to it while low ones have no such effects. The Pygmalion effect holds the explanation as to why you do better when other people believe you would. On the contrary, you could not do well when someone expects you to fail.
You can't be wrong today, so do what makes you happy. Take chances, guess, try that thing you failed at again, and most importantly, pay it forward to someone having an Everything You Think is Wrong Day. The day comes a day after Everything You Think is Wrong Day and cheers us up after feeling bad about the decisions we might have made the day before.
While this is an unofficial holiday, we truly believe this is one worth mentioning and celebrating. In this day and age, we all need every reason we can to smile and see the positive.
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