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CalendarFebruary4 → World Oncologist Day

World Oncologist Day

World Oncologist Day is held on February 4. This event in the first decade of the month February is annual. Help us Help us 
4 February - World Oncologist Day
An oncologist is a doctor who treats cancer and provides medical care for a person diagnosed with cancer. An oncologist may also be called a cancer specialist. On 4 February we celebrate World Cancer Day – a day that unites people, communities and entire countries to raise awareness and take action. This day can be rightly called World Oncologist Day.
An oncologist is required to deliver quality and compassionate care. The doctors help patients manage the symptoms of cancer and the side effects of cancer treatment. Most cancers are treated using a combination of therapies. A patient may see several different types of oncologists during the course of treatment. Let's welcome them on this day!

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