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CalendarJune22 → International Volkswagen Beetle Day

International Volkswagen Beetle Day

International Volkswagen Beetle Day is held on June 22. This event in the third decade of the month June is annual. Help us Help us 
22 June - International Volkswagen Beetle Day
Since 1995 we have been celebrating the most famous four-wheeled Beetle in the world. The emergence of this ephemeris was an initiative of the Brazilian Alexander Gromow, a Wolkswagen Beetle fan, in consensus with several worldwide Beetle clubs. This date was chosen because the contract between Dr. Ferdinand Porsche and the German automobile industry association was signed on June 22, 1934. On that day (1934), Adolf Hitler commissioned the Beetle to develop a car for the people, which had to be an inexpensive vehicle with low running costs and low fuel consumption. Porsche developed the first Wolkswagen prototype.

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