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CalendarOctober1 → Peruvian Cocoa and Chocolate Day

Peruvian Cocoa and Chocolate Day

Peruvian Cocoa and Chocolate Day is held on October 1. This event in the first decade of the month October is annual. Help us Help us 
1 October - Peruvian Cocoa and Chocolate Day
October 1st is celebrated as Peruvian Cocoa and Chocolate Day, instituted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation. Peru has a total of 60% of the cocoa varieties that exist in the world, in addition to a diversity and genetic variability, ranking second worldwide, as a producer of organic cocoa, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation.
This activity seeks to highlight the importance of cocoa production in country and promote the consumption of Peruvian chocolate.
Peru is considered one of the main producers of cocoa, this crop is produced in 16 regions of the country, with the largest production concentrated in San Martin, Junin, Ucayali, Huanuco and Cusco.

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