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CalendarApril27 → Moldova Flag Day

Moldova Flag Day

Moldova Flag Day is held on April 27. This event in the third decade of the month April is annual. Help us Help us 
27 April - Moldova Flag Day
The State Flag of the Republic of Moldova – the Tricolour – is the official symbol of the Republic of Moldova. It symbolises the past, the present and the future of the Moldovan State, reflects its democratic principles, historical tradition of the Moldovan people, equality of rights, the solidarity and friendship between all citizens of the republic.
Since April 2010, the Flag Day of Moldova is celebrated on 27 April each year. On this day in 1990, the tricolor was officially adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the Moldavian SSR as the state flag of the country.
On Moldova's flag, the yellow stripe is charged with the national arms. Like the Romanian coat of arms, the Moldovan arms, adopted in 1990, features a dark golden eagle holding an Orthodox Christian cross in its beak. Instead of a sword, the eagle is holding an olive branch, symbolizing peace.

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