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CalendarJuly in 201828 → World Hepatitis Day

World Hepatitis Day

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The theme for 2015 year’s World Hepatitis Day is "Prevent hepatitis. Act now". Viral hepatitis is caused by 5 distinct hepatitis viruses. These viruses are transmitted through contaminated water and food, as well as by contact with blood or bodily fluids, through unsafe injections or transfusions. Infection also occurs from a mother to a child, or through sexual contact. Infection through all these routes of transmission can be prevented through proven and effective interventions. It is important for everyone to be aware of hepatitis and to learn how they can protect themselves from being infected.
World Hepatitis Day, observed on July 28 every year, aims to raise global awareness of hepatitis — a group of infectious diseases known as Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E — and encourage prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Hepatitis affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide, causing acute and chronic disease and killing close to 1.4 million people every year.
World Hepatitis Day is one of eight official global public health campaigns marked by the World Health Organization (WHO), along with World Health Day, World Blood Donor Day, World Immunization Week, World Tuberculosis Day, World No Tobacco Day, World Malaria Day and World AIDS Day.
The inaugural International Hepatitis C Awareness day, coordinated by various European and Middle Eastern Patient Groups, took place on October 1, 2004, However many patient groups continued to mark ’hepatitis day’ on disparate dates. For this reason in 2008, the World Hepatitis Alliance in collaboration with patient groups declared May 19 the first global World Hepatitis Day.
Following the adoption of a resolution during the 63rd World Health Assembly in May 2010, World Hepatitis Day was given global endorsement as the primary focus for national and international awareness-raising efforts and the date was changed to July 28 (in honour of Nobel Laureate Baruch Samuel Blumberg, discoverer of the hepatitis B virus, who celebrates his birthday on that date). The resolution resolves that "28 July shall be designated as World Hepatitis Day in order to provide an opportunity for education and greater understanding of viral hepatitis as a global public health problem, and to stimulate the strengthening of preventive and control measures of this disease in Member States."
Quotes and wishes
Quotes and wishes: «Hepatitis»

Quotes & Wishes - 100 times more infectious 100 times more infectious

HBV is 100 times more infectious than HIV. Both HBV and HCV can remain in the patient’s blood for years without any symptoms, and by the time the disease is detected, the patient would already have a severe form of liver disease. But both viruses are treatable, and results of the treatment, lasting from about 28 to 48 weeks and including anti-viral tablets with sometimes weekly interferon injections, are very good.
Dr Dinesh Kini
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Quotes and wishes: «Hepatitis»

Quotes & Wishes - Symptoms Symptoms

Hepatitis doesn’t always present symptoms.
Karen Gonzales
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Quotes and wishes: «Hepatitis»

Quotes & Wishes - Vaccine preventable diseases Vaccine preventable diseases

Hepatitis A and B are vaccine preventable diseases, yet they continue to be the most commonly reported vaccine preventable diseases. Getting vaccinated, especially if you are at high risk, provides the best protection from these diseases.
J Robert Galvin
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