Rhode Island celebrates Victory Day on the Second Monday in August.
A few interesting facts concerning Rhode Island government:
Rhode Island was the first of the thirteen colonies to declare its independence from England (May 4, 1776) and the last of the thirteen to ratify the U.S. Constitution (May 29, 1790).
Rhode Island was governed under a Royal Charter, granted by King Charles II in 1663, for 180 years. Rhode Island has been governed under its Constitution since 1843.
Rhode Island is the only state that still celebrates Victory Day (the end of WWII) as an official state holiday.
The metal from which the Independent Man atop the Rhode Island State House was cast came from the breaking up of a statue of Simon Bolivar, which once stood in New York’s Central Park.
Rhode Island Governor Benedict Arnold, the first Governor elected under the Royal Charter in November, 1663, was the great grandfather of the infamous Revolutionary War figure, Benedict Arnold.
Source: ri.gov
In 2025 Victory Day in Rhode Island in USA falls on August 11.