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16 апреля 2024, вторник 22:43

№ 19094451

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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с комментариями
Cleansing lemon mask: a fresh look at beauty (E-News)
Taking care of beauty is not only about appearance, but also about inner well-being. Nowadays, visiting cosmetic salons is becoming more and more popular, but often it requires not only time, but also financial costs. This is especially true in cold seasons, when the skin needs special care. However, many procedures can be carried out at home with a minimum of costs, while maintaining ...
Важные витамины для здоровья волос (E-News)
Решение проблемы с волосами часто начинается с использования витаминных масок, но какие витамины действительно нужны нашим волосам? Витамин A (каротин, ретинол) - один из самых важных для волос, но избыток этого витамина может быть также вреден, как и его недостаток. Бета-каротин, который находится в продуктах растительного происхождения, является предшественником витамина A и может быть ...
The magic of making the best sauces (E-News)
Sauces, those indispensable accessories to dishes, can transform the most ordinary food, adding not only flavor and aroma, but also visual charm. From tomato to creamy, savory to sweet, sauces are diverse in composition and application. They can be used as a gravy, marinade, glaze or even as a stand-alone dish. It is important to know not only how to properly prepare a sauce, but also how to use ...
15 Апр
How to properly salt and store lard: expert advice (E-News)
Lard is not only a tasty and nourishing product, but also useful, according to experts. To preserve its usefulness and flavor, it is important to know how to properly salt and store it. 1. Salting lardThe process of salting lard is quite simple. For 1 kg of lard take a mixture of 3-4 spoons of coarse salt, half a tablespoon of red or ground black pepper and other seasonings to taste. The lard ...
15 Апр
Popular misconceptions about fats (E-News)
Consumption of fatty foods is often associated with negative health effects. However, before eliminating fats from your diet, you should understand their role and classification. Fats are categorized into vegetable and animal fats, with vegetable fats often containing beneficial fatty acids. Balance of fats in the diet The optimal level of fats in the diet is determined by their content of ...
14 Апр
Long and beautiful hair: the secrets of care and maintenance (E-News)
The dream of thick and beautiful hair invariably haunts many women. However, not everyone manages to achieve this goal without special care and attention. In order to make hair happy with its health and beauty, it is necessary to take care of them daily, following certain rules and recommendations. Even the most effective therapeutic masks and folk remedies will not bring the desired result if ...
14 Апр
Salad with tofu cheese: an easy and tasty dinner (E-News)
Tofu cheese is an excellent source of vegetable protein and other nutrients. One great way to include it in your diet is to prepare a light and low-calorie salad for dinner. You will need the following ingredients: tofu cheese (can be replaced with Adygea cheese, feta cheese, etc.), two bunches of lettuce, a large tomato, several small cucumbers, pine nuts, herbs, salt, pepper, vegetable oil, ...
13 Апр
Ultrasound and pregnancy: the importance of prevention and control (E-News)
Ultrasound (ultrasound) plays a key role in diagnosing and monitoring the development of the fetus during pregnancy. As early as the ninth week of pregnancy, doctors can use ultrasound to assess the development of the baby and detect possible anomalies. One important indicator is the thickness of the cervical fold, which can indicate the risk of chromosomal abnormalities. In addition to ...
13 Апр
How to get over an ex: the path to a new beginning (E-News)
Sometimes it's easier said than done, especially when it comes to how to leave your ex-boyfriend in the past. But failing to let go of the past can be a roadblock to new opportunities and relationships. Let's look at a few steps that can help you get over your ex and start a new chapter in your life. The first step is to get rid of physical reminders of the person. These can be little things ...
12 Апр
Danger suddenly discovered: how excessive meat consumption can jeopardize the liver (E-News)
Scientific research presented at the International Congress of Hepatology in the Netherlands raises an alarming question: excessive meat consumption can cause cirrhosis of the liver in humans. Today, many people strive for a healthy lifestyle and regularly consume protein in an effort to increase muscle mass. However, according to medical experts, this has serious health consequences. As part ...
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