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17 октября 2024, четверг 08:35

№ 19586424

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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16 Окт
Le gouvernement a raccourci les délais d'enregistrement urgent des passeports en Ukraine : nouveaux termes et tarifs (E-News)
Le Cabinet des ministres de l'Ukraine a décidé de raccourcir les délais d'enregistrement urgent et d'échange du passeport d'un citoyen ukrainien. Au lieu des 10 jours ouvrables précédemment fixés, les citoyens pourront recevoir leur document en 7 jours ouvrables. Cela s'applique à la fois à l'échange et à la délivrance d'un passeport en ...
15 Окт
The Cabinet of Ministers approved the budget of the Pension Fund of Ukraine for 2024 (E-News)
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the budget of the Pension Fund of Ukraine for 2024, which became an important step in ensuring the stability of the country's pension system. This was reported by the press service of the Pension Fund of Ukraine (PFU). According to the approved budget, the total income of the Pension Fund in 2024 will amount to 863.7 billion hryvnias. This amount ...
15 Окт
In Ukraine, the professional standard of the customs officer is being updated: New requirements and international standards (E-News)
The State Customs Service of Ukraine has started the development of a new professional standard for the position of "Customs Inspector". This initiative is aimed at systematizing the requirements for the profession, increasing the level of personnel training and their compliance with international standards. For this purpose, a working group was created, which included leading specialists of the ...
10 Окт
Die Werchowna Rada hat einen Gesetzentwurf über Vereinbarungen mit Ermittlern in Korruptionsfällen verabschiedet (E-News)
Die Werchowna Rada der Ukraine hat in erster Lesung den Gesetzentwurf Nr. 12039 angenommen, der darauf abzielt, den Mechanismus zum Abschluss von Einspruchsvereinbarungen in Fällen im Zusammenhang mit Korruptionsdelikten zu verbessern. Diese Entscheidung wurde von 268 Volksabgeordneten unterstützt, was auf eine erhebliche Unterstützung der Initiative hinweist. Der Volksabgeordnete ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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16 Окт
Boeing announced its ambitious plans (E-News)
Boeing announced ambitious plans to raise up to $25 billion in new capital and agreed to a $10 billion credit facility to ensure financial stability amid an unprecedented strike by its largest labor union. These steps are aimed at maintaining the company's balance sheet during a difficult period for it. According to information published in the Financial Times newspaper, Boeing plans to raise up ...
16 Окт
In der Ukraine entsteht eine kostenlose Business School für das Militär: eine Chance zur Anpassung und Entwicklung (E-News)
Dank eines neuen Bildungsprojekts, das von der Privatbank gemeinsam mit der European Business Association, OLX Ukraine und Mastercard initiiert wurde, haben ukrainische Militärs und Veteranen die Möglichkeit, sich kostenlos Wissen im Bereich Unternehmertum anzueignen. Dies teilte der Pressedienst der Privatbank mit. Diese Initiative mit dem Namen „Business School for Defenders“ startet ...
14 Окт
Die Sonnenblumenverarbeitung in der Ukraine erreichte den tiefsten Stand seit zehn Jahren (E-News)
Im September 2024 verzeichnete die Ukraine eine der niedrigsten Sonnenblumenverarbeitungsraten im letzten Jahrzehnt. Im ersten Herbstmonat wurden rund 861.000 Tonnen Ölsaaten verarbeitet, das war die niedrigste Menge im September seit 2014. Diese Daten werden von der Informationsagentur „APK-Inform“ gemeldet. Experten erklären, dass das Hauptproblem für Ölraffinerien in ...
14 Окт
Restoration of front-line settlements: the Verkhovna Rada allocates UAH 2.2 billion (E-News)
The Budget Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine decided to allocate 2.2 billion hryvnias for the implementation of an experimental project aimed at restoring a number of settlements that suffered from Russia's armed aggression. This initiative aims to support regions that have suffered significant destruction as a result of hostilities. According to People's Deputy Denys Herman, the ...
14 Окт
Pression inflationniste en Ukraine : causes de la croissance des prix et prévisions du NBU (E-News)
La Banque nationale d'Ukraine (NBU) a annoncé une accélération du taux d'inflation, qui a dépassé les prévisions précédentes. Le principal facteur à l’origine de ce phénomène a été l’inflation rapide des produits alimentaires, due à l’offre limitée de certains produits sur le marché. C'est ce qu'indique le service de ...
11 Окт
Decrease in the number of oil product importers in Ukraine: causes and consequences (E-News)
The number of oil product importers in Ukraine in September 2024 decreased to 245 companies, which is the lowest figure since June 2022. This marked a 12% decrease compared to August, which caused concern among market analysts. This information was provided by the "A-95" Consulting Group, enkorr informs. According to experts, in September 2024 there is a decrease in the import of gasoline, ...
11 Окт
Вплив війни на книговидавничу галузь (E-News)
В Україні проблема нестачі кадрів у книговидавничій галузі виникла ще в 2014 році, коли відзначався поступальний розвиток сектора. Сьогодні ця криза досягла апогею і торкається вже не лише найбільш кваліфікованих спеціалістів. Згідно з дослідженням, проведеним проєктом "Читомо" у співпраці з Communication Analysis Team — Ukraine (CAT-UA), ситуація на ринку праці у книговиданні є досить ...
11 Окт
Die Preise für Zweitwohnungen in Kiew sinken weiter: Trends im September (E-News)
Im September 2024 zeigt der Sekundärimmobilienmarkt in der Ukraine unterschiedliche Trends: In den meisten Regionen des Landes stiegen die Wohnungspreise um 5-6 %, während in Kiew das Gegenteil zu beobachten ist – die Immobilienpreise sinken weiter. Nach Angaben des Immobilienmarktplatzes DIM.RIA wurde der Anstieg der Wohnungspreise in den Regionen Lemberg, Tscherniwzi, Wolhynien, ...
10 Окт
Germany expects a fall in GDP for the second year in a row: new challenges for the economy (E-News)
Germany predicts a 0.2% decline in gross domestic product (GDP) by the end of 2024. This became known from a Bloomberg report. The fall in GDP is marked for the second year in a row, as in 2023 the country's economy decreased by 0.3% compared to 2022. If the forecast comes true, it would be only the second time Germany has faced consecutive annual GDP declines since the reunification of West and ...
10 Окт
The first solar and wind energy water purification station will be launched in Mykolaiv (E-News)
The first water purification station, which will function due to the energy of the sun and wind, will soon start operating in Mykolaiv. This project is innovative for the city and promises to significantly increase the efficiency of water supply, as well as reduce dependence on traditional energy sources. The Mykolayiv City Council informed about this, noting that the initiative will be ...
Новости - Украина - Спорт


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14 Окт
Simple exercises to strengthen the abs and buttocks (E-News)
When you can’t go to the gym, but still want to maintain muscle tone, you can do simple exercises for the abs and buttocks at home or even in public places. Here are some effective ways to help maintain elasticity without much effort. The first thing you can do at any time and in any place is exercises for the gluteal muscles. During everyday activities, such as cleaning, walking, or even ...
12 Окт
Workout to Increase Breast Volume: Effective Exercises and Tips (E-News)
Many women dream of beautiful and voluminous breasts, and although there are many ways to achieve this goal, one of the most natural and safe is a set of exercises aimed at strengthening and increasing the pectoral muscles. The mammary glands are located on the large and small pectoral muscles, so increasing their mass helps to increase the circumference of the bust. Regularity of training is ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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16 Окт
How to care for oily skin and tighten pores: proven methods and tips (E-News)
Oily skin often causes discomfort, especially in the hot season, when pores become clogged and the face shines. However, to maintain a healthy skin appearance, regular and competent care is necessary. It is impossible to eliminate oily shine and enlarged pores a couple of days before summer - this is a process that requires constant attention. It is important to combine home recipes and ...
16 Окт
When to start an intimate relationship: important aspects for young people (E-News)
The question of at what age to start having sex worries many young people. This is especially relevant for teenagers and young men who, being surrounded by information about sex, begin to think about the beginning of their intimate life. For many young girls, this question becomes especially acute, especially if they face pressure from partners or friends. But what should be the right age to ...
15 Окт
Topics you should not discuss with your husband (E-News)
Even the strongest and most trusting relationship between husband and wife can encounter difficulties if you do not observe certain boundaries in communication. It would seem that with a spouse you can talk about everything, because it is a close person, but in practice, not all topics are safe to discuss. The experience of generations and scientific studies show that there are topics that are ...
15 Окт
What you need to know about hair lamination (E-News)
Beautiful and healthy hair is the dream of many women, and modern cosmetic procedures offer a variety of solutions to achieve this goal. One of these procedures is hair lamination. This popular procedure promises smoothness, shine and volume, but what is really behind these promises? Let's look at the key aspects of lamination and find out what it has to offer. What is hair ...
13 Окт
How to Make Your Lips Look Bigger with Makeup (E-News)
Makeup is a great way to change your features and enhance your natural beauty. If you want to make your lips look fuller, follow these simple tricks that will help you create the effect of plump lips without surgery. The first step in creating expressive lips is to use a lip liner. Apply a line along the outer edge of your lips, trying to create a clear outline. Choose a liner that matches your ...
13 Окт
Top Healthiest Freshly Squeezed Juices (E-News)
Freshly squeezed juices, or fresh juices, have enormous health benefits due to their high content of vitamins and antioxidants. They help support the immune system, increase energy levels, and can even prevent many diseases. Let's look at the five healthiest juices that are worth including in your diet to improve your health and well-being. Pomegranate juice ranks first in terms of its healing ...
12 Окт
Natural Sugar Substitutes: How to Maintain Health and a Fit Figure (E-News)
In today's world, more and more people are thinking about healthy eating and trying to maintain their health. One of the main enemies of a slim figure and good health is sugar. Not only does this product have no nutritional value, but it can also lead to many health problems. Tooth decay, diabetes, problems with the immune system and skin are just a few of the consequences associated with regular ...
11 Окт
How to care for suede shoes: tips for care and preservation (E-News)
Suede shoes are not only a symbol of style, but also an item with increased care requirements. This luxurious and expensive material is present in the collections of many modern brands, offering a variety of models: from boots and shoes to shoes and sandals. However, suede requires special care to maintain its attractive appearance and extend the life of the shoes. In order to avoid troubles in ...
11 Окт
Secrets of breast care: how to maintain beauty and shape (E-News)
It is important for every woman to have attractive and well-groomed breasts, regardless of their size. Breast care requires special attention and regularity, because this is the only way to maintain their beauty and firmness. In this article, we will consider several key aspects that will help you keep your breasts in excellent shape. The first and main step in breast care is proper skin care. ...
10 Окт
Why people choose online intimacy (E-News)
Modern technology is rapidly evolving, offering us new ways to communicate and interact. The internet has become an integral part of life, and naturally, people have started using it to fulfill their sexual needs. With the advent of photos and videos, erotic content began to spread massively, and with the introduction of the internet - virtual dating and online sex became popular. But why do ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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11 Окт
Great Britain will supply Ukraine with new artillery systems and long-range weapons (E-News)
The Minister of Defense of Ukraine Rustem Umyerov held a meeting with the Minister of Defense of Great Britain John Geely during the visit of the Ukrainian delegation to London. The main topic of the negotiations was the further military support of Ukraine, in particular in the form of the supply of weapons and training of the Ukrainian military to increase the country's defense capabilities both ...
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