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10 июня 2024, понедельник 11:09

№ 19508544

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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Ukraine strengthens borders: new checkpoints with Hungary and modernization of infrastructure with Poland (E-News)
The government of Ukraine has approved a new agreement with Hungary, which provides for the opening of new checkpoints and the modernization of existing ones. In particular, it is about the creation of a new checkpoint "Velika Palady - Nadgodosh", which will be designated for passenger transport. This was announced by the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Denys Shmyhal. In addition, according to this ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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07 Июн
Verkauf von Vermögenswerten insolventer Banken: Der Garantiefonds hat Verträge im Wert von 160 Mio. UAH abgeschlossen (E-News)
Im Mai dieses Jahres führte der Individuelle Einlagensicherungsfonds über das Prozorro.Sales-System 29 erfolgreiche Auktionen zum Verkauf von Vermögenswerten von Banken durch, die sich in der Liquidation befinden. Der Gesamtbetrag der abgeschlossenen Verträge überstieg 160,4 Millionen Griwna. Dies teilt der Pressedienst des FSVFO mit und weist darauf hin, dass 69 % ...
07 Июн
The Ukrainian economy expects additional financial support from the EBRD (E-News)
The Ukrainian economy expects additional financial support from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to implement programs aimed at restoring the energy sector and retraining workers. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine. According to Yulia Svyridenko, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of Ukraine, the government ...
07 Июн
Gutscheine für eine kostenlose Ausbildung: beliebte Berufe und neue Möglichkeiten (E-News)
Seit Jahresbeginn haben mehr als 10.000 Ukrainer staatliche Gutscheine für eine kostenlose Ausbildung erhalten, die es ihnen ermöglichen, ihr berufliches Niveau zu verbessern oder eine neue Fachrichtung zu erwerben. Diese Initiative ist Teil des Programms „Arbeiten ohne Barrieren“, das im Rahmen der Nationalen Strategie zur Schaffung eines barrierefreien Raums in der Ukraine finanziert ...
07 Июн
Ukrzaliznytsia has been modernizing the fifth Khomyak electric train since the beginning of the year (E-News)
State enterprise "Ukrzaliznytsia" has successfully completed the modernization of another electric train called "Homyak". This is the fifth electric train that was updated in 2024 at the company's own production facilities. This is stated in the official press service of "Ukrzaliznytsia". According to the company, the modernized electric train will start running on the territory of Lviv region, ...
06 Июн
VR setzte elektronische Tickets mit Papiertickets im öffentlichen Nahverkehr gleich (E-News)
Die Werchowna Rada der Ukraine hat einen Gesetzesentwurf verabschiedet, der elektronische Fahrkarten für Fahrten im öffentlichen Verkehr mit Papierfahrkarten gleichsetzt. Das Gesetz „Über Änderungen bestimmter Gesetzgebungsakte der Ukraine hinsichtlich der Einführung elektronischer Tickets im Straßen- und Stadtverkehr“ wurde in der zweiten Lesung von 256 ...
06 Июн
Ukraine and Greece reached an important agreement on irregular transportation (E-News)
Ukraine and Greece have reached an important agreement, which provides for the issuance of 100 permits for irregular transportation between the countries. This decision will allow Ukrainian carriers to plan routes directly to the final destination in Greece, bypassing transfers to foreign buses. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Community Development, Territories and ...
04 Июн
Changes in the Unified State Register: what Ukrainian businessmen are changing (E-News)
According to Opendatabot, since the start of the full-scale invasion, more than 278,000 changes have been made to the Unified State Register, almost 80% of which occurred in 2023. The main among them were changes in the management of companies and their registration addresses. The most frequent changes concerned the appointment of new directors in enterprises (41% of all changes), which ...
04 Июн
Electronic excise: a new stage in the fight against counterfeit alcohol in Ukraine (E-News)
The Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine has taken an important step in the fight against counterfeit alcohol and tobacco by launching a new website of the eExcise project. This innovative tool aims to bring the country closer to European market regulation standards. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Digital Transformation. The eExcise project is a digital ...
03 Июн
OPEC+ continues discussions on reducing oil production until 2025 (E-News)
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC+), together with its partners, is actively working to agree on an agreement on the further reduction of oil production, which can be carried out until 2025. According to Bloomberg, with reference to sources in OPEC+, officials of the participating countries are considering the possibility of extending restrictions on oil production by ...
Новости - Украина - Спорт


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04 Июн
Regular exercise for successful weight loss (E-News)
Exercise, though it may seem tedious at times, is an integral part of the weight loss process. In fact, research shows that regular exercise is key to weight loss and health maintenance. Irregular exercise can lead to the development of metabolic syndrome, which involves a number of negative changes in the body, such as high cholesterol, blood pressure and fat accumulation in certain areas of ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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Baumpilze: eine gesunde und schmackhafte Ergänzung auf dem Tisch (E-News)
Baumpilze, auch bekannt als Mu er, was auf Chinesisch „Baumohren“ bedeutet, sind essbare Pilze, die besonders in asiatischen Ländern beliebt sind. In Japan, China und Korea nehmen sie seit Jahrhunderten einen wichtigen Platz in der Küche dieser Länder ein. Aber was macht sie so nützlich und einzigartig? Holzpilze werden in der asiatischen Küche häufig wegen ihrer ...
Therapeutic nutrition: the key to health (E-News)
For the successful treatment of any disease, proper nutrition plays one of the leading roles. This principle has been known since the time of Hippocrates. It is noteworthy that therapeutic nutrition unites the supporters of traditional medicine and naturopathy, who usually disagree on the methods of treatment. Naturopaths argue that natural nutritional therapy is fundamentally different from the ...
09 Июн
Principi di base per una perdita di peso di successo (E-News)
Molte donne si chiedono come perdere peso e ognuna sceglie il proprio modo di combattere i chili di troppo. Cosa si può fare per eliminare i centimetri in più? Spesso poniamo a noi stessi e agli altri la domanda: perché alcuni possono mangiare tutto quello che vogliono senza danneggiare la linea, e altri no? Le ragioni possono essere diverse: alimentazione, genetica o stile di ...
09 Июн
Products for effective weight loss (E-News)
For those who are struggling with excess pounds, it is always relevant to choose products that promote weight loss. Some of them can improve metabolism, get rid of excess fluid and even stimulate the breakdown of fatty tissue. What are these foods? PineapplePineapple is known as an appetite suppressant fruit. It contains bromelain, an enzyme that promotes the destruction of fat cells. However, ...
09 Июн
Accelerare il metabolismo: i segreti di una perdita di peso efficace (E-News)
Il metabolismo, o metabolismo, è un processo fondamentale per l'organismo, in quanto è responsabile della scomposizione di proteine, carboidrati e grassi per ottenere energia. Il tasso metabolico dipende da diversi fattori, tra cui il bilancio calorico, l'attività fisica e la genetica. Per chi cerca di perdere peso, il miglioramento del metabolismo svolge un ruolo importante. Con ...
09 Июн
Ein wirksamer Ansatz, um Bauch und Flanken loszuwerden (E-News)
Viele Frauen haben das unangenehme Phänomen, dass sich aufgrund physiologischer Gegebenheiten allmählich Fettablagerungen am Bauch und an den Flanken ansammeln. Um dieses Problem in den Griff zu bekommen, ist ein umfassender Ansatz erforderlich, der eine Kombination aus richtiger Ernährung und speziellen Übungen umfasst. Kräftigung der Bauchmuskeln Eine wirksame Reihe ...
09 Июн
Foods that stimulate metabolism (E-News)
The intensity of the basic metabolism is one of the factors that determine how quickly we get rid of unwanted pounds. The easiest and most natural way to speed up metabolism is to eat stimulating foods. Those who are actively trying to lose excess weight are especially concerned with the question of how to accelerate the process of burning fat naturally. There are several ways to achieve this. ...
08 Июн
Enemas for weight loss: myth or reality (E-News)
Enemas are known as a folk means of cleansing the intestines, which has been around for centuries. They are most often used for constipation, but recently enemas have become a popular method for weight loss. Historical contextThe use of enemas to cleanse the colon and improve its function began thousands of years ago. Ancient Egyptians and Greeks believed in the theory of “auto-intoxication,” ...
08 Июн
Salon-Hautpflege in der kalten Jahreszeit (E-News)
Einige kosmetische Pflegeverfahren werden von Experten für die Winterzeit empfohlen. Hier erfahren Sie, welche das sind und warum. Massagen und Packungen Die meisten Massagen können zwar das ganze Jahr über durchgeführt werden, aber in der kalten Jahreszeit brauchen Körper und Haut besonders viel Entspannung und Feuchtigkeit. Packungen nähren die Haut, während ...
08 Июн
How to change the look with makeup (E-News)
A woman who skillfully uses eye and eyelash cosmetics, strives to make her look more expressive and attractive. She wants to play with the image, arouse interest and attract the attention of others. To do this, it is important to know how to give eyes shine, hide redness, increase their visual appearance, as well as to ensure the durability of makeup. Proper application of shadows and ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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Die USA werden der Ukraine ein neues Paket militärischer Hilfe schicken (E-News)
Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika werden der Ukraine ein neues Militärhilfepaket in Höhe von 225 Millionen US-Dollar schicken, das Langstreckenraketen und andere Waffen umfassen wird. Dies wurde von Associated Press berichtet. Das neue Hilfspaket umfasst Munition, mit der die ukrainischen Streitkräfte Bedrohungen innerhalb Russlands bekämpfen können, um die Stadt ...
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