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24 июня 2024, понедельник 14:42

№ 19543984

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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с комментариями
Educational process in the new academic year: plans and challenges (E-News)
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine does not plan to recommend that schools start the new academic year 2024/2025 earlier than usual. This decision was made in view of current circumstances and possible problems in the energy sector that may affect the educational process. This was announced by the Minister of Education and Science Oksen Lisovyi during the "Question Hour for the ...
20 Июн
The Verkhovna Rada supported the creation of the Military Police: a new step towards reform (E-News)
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine took an important step in reforming military justice by supporting the draft law "On Military Police" in the first reading. This initiative was widely approved by the deputies during the meeting on Wednesday, June 19. People's deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak reported on the results of the voting, noting that draft law No. 6569-d gained 247 votes for the basis. Earlier, ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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The decline of German exports to China: an analysis of trade tensions (E-News)
In May of the current year, there was a significant decrease in German exports to China by 14%, which amounted to 7.5 billion euros, compared to the same period of the previous year. This news became an important signal in the context of growing trade tensions between Europe and China. According to the Financial Times, escalating trade tensions have led to the threat of higher tariffs on key ...
Les banques deviennent les principaux moteurs des innovations fintech en Ukraine (E-News)
Le système bancaire ukrainien investit activement dans le développement d’innovations fintech, malgré les conditions difficiles de la guerre. Grâce à une rentabilité élevée et aux actions correctes de la Banque nationale d'Ukraine (NBU), le secteur bancaire a pu mettre en œuvre les dernières technologies. Cela est devenu possible grâce aux ...
21 Июн
Les États-Unis s'apprêtent à interdire la vente du logiciel Kaspersky en raison de leurs liens avec la Russie (E-News)
L'administration du président Biden annoncera l'interdiction de la vente du logiciel antivirus de Kaspersky Lab aux États-Unis. Selon Reuters, cette décision a été motivée par la conclusion d'un risque critique lié aux liens étroits de l'entreprise avec le gouvernement russe. La prise d'une telle décision est motivée par la possibilité de ...
21 Июн
Economic development of Ukraine: clusters in the West and redistribution of workers (E-News)
The introduction of new measures in the spheres of production, transport policy, strengthening of human capital and creation of conditions for the return of Ukrainians from abroad will contribute to the acceleration of Ukraine's economic growth. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, presenting a document from the experts of the Advisory Council on Economic ...
20 Июн
The list of critical infrastructure facilities will be updated by July 1 (E-News)
By July 1, the updating of the list of critical infrastructure facilities, where electricity will not be cut off, will be completed. This was announced by the head of the State Energy Supervision Inspectorate, Ruslan Slobodian. Currently, each region conducts a thorough analysis of electricity supply conditions for hundreds of consumers. "This is quite painstaking work that requires an analysis ...
19 Июн
L'OTAN a lancé un fonds d'innovation de 1 milliard d'euros (E-News)
L'OTAN a lancé un fonds d'innovation d'un milliard d'euros (1,1 milliard de dollars) destiné à investir dans des technologies avancées qui renforceront les capacités de défense de l'alliance. C'est ce que rapporte l'agence Reuters. Les premières entreprises ont déjà reçu leurs investissements de ce fonds, destiné à soutenir l'innovation ...
19 Июн
Great Britain lags far behind its G-7 competitors when it comes to investment (E-News)
According to Bloomberg, the UK has significantly lagged its G-7 rivals in terms of investment over the past thirty years, losing £1.9 trillion (about US$2.4 trillion). According to the Institute for Public Policy Research, if UK investment had remained at the G-7 average over the past three decades, the country could have gained an extra £1.9tn. This indicates a significant loss of ...
19 Июн
L'Ukrzaliznytsia a atteint un nombre record de passagers transportés (E-News)
Le 16 juin, "Ukrzaliznytsia" a atteint un nombre record de passagers transportés - près de 95 000 personnes. Il s’agit du résultat le plus élevé depuis début 2024, ce qui témoigne de la popularité croissante du transport ferroviaire parmi les Ukrainiens. C'est ce qu'a rapporté le service de presse de l'entreprise. Il convient de noter que cet ...
Новости - Украина - Спорт


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20 Июн
Workouts to improve the shape of your thighs (E-News)
Want to tighten your thighs and reduce your waist by 4 cm in just two weeks? Use one of the exercise complexes presented in the video. This complex is ideal for beginners, as well as for those who go to the gym and exercise several times a month. If you are looking for exclusive exercises designed specifically for the correction of the problem area of the thighs, turn to the unique exercise ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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10 mitos sobre los cosméticos: lo que es realmente importante para una piel sana (E-News)
Parece que las mujeres deberíamos saberlo todo sobre cosmética, moda y cuidado de la piel. Sin embargo, a menudo cometemos el error de aceptar mitos sobre los cosméticos como verdades. Conozcamos los 10 errores más comunes. El primer error se refiere a la limpieza facial. A menudo creemos que basta con limpiar la piel con loción antes de aplicar la crema. Sin embargo, ...
Bellezza e nutrizione: i segreti delle maschere di patate novelle (E-News)
Le maschere a base di patate stanno diventando sempre più popolari nel mondo della cosmetologia grazie alle loro proprietà uniche. Hanno la capacità di nutrire e ammorbidire la pelle, rendendola più liscia e idratata. Inoltre, sono in grado di effettuare un leggero lifting, rassodando la pelle e attenuando le rughe. Tuttavia, quando si utilizzano le maschere di patate, ...
Chemical and gmo free skin masks (E-News)
Using natural products to create skin care masks is not only environmentally friendly, but also effective. Vitamin-enriched masks are particularly notable for their ability to transform the skin and give it a healthy and radiant look. For example, vitamin PP, also known as nicotinic acid, has unique properties, making the skin smooth and well-groomed. This vitamin is found in foods such as ...
23 Июн
Cómo convertirse en el centro de atención de una empresa (E-News)
Todos conocemos a personas que atraen a los demás y en torno a las cuales siempre ocurren cosas interesantes. Estas personas suelen ser las iniciadoras de fiestas, salidas a discotecas y otros eventos. Parece que ser el alma de la empresa es un talento innato, que hay que aguantar si no se tiene. Pero, en realidad, se trata de un conjunto de cualidades bastante específicas que puedes ...
23 Июн
L'arte del flirt: dieci fatti sorprendenti (E-News)
Avete imparato a stabilire un contatto visivo e potete dire con uno sguardo che l'oggetto del vostro affetto ha una possibilità... Ma cosa sapete della sottile arte del flirt? Per chi pensa che flirtare sia facile, ecco dieci fatti sorprendenti che vi aiuteranno a conquistare l'attenzione della persona che vi piace. Flirtare fa bene alla saluteAlcuni studi hanno dimostrato che chi flirta ...
23 Июн
Bulimia: fighting the invisible enemy (E-News)
Bulimia is a serious eating disorder in which people often overeat and then induce vomiting or use laxatives and diuretics. Despite their normal weight, bulimia sufferers can suffer from serious physical and psychological problems. They may purge their stomachs even after small snacks, which can lead to dangerously low weight. To simplify the problem of bulimia by linking it only to the desire ...
23 Июн
Dieta japonesa Lingzhi: el secreto de la delgadez y la salud (E-News)
La dieta japonesa Lingzhi de dos días se ha hecho popular gracias a su ingrediente principal, el hongo Ganoderma Lucidum. Este hongo, también conocido como reishi, favorece la pérdida de peso, la fuerza muscular y la salud en general. Las cápsulas de Lingzhi se toman a diario antes del desayuno, junto con ejercicio físico. La dieta es adecuada tanto para hombres como para ...
23 Июн
Una buona alimentazione nel diabete: come preparare una dieta (E-News)
Il numero di persone a cui viene diagnosticato il diabete aumenta ogni anno e le ricerche dimostrano che una dieta sana e un regolare esercizio fisico possono aiutare a controllare i livelli di zucchero nel sangue. In questo modo non solo si evitano picchi di glucosio, ma si riduce anche il rischio di patologie legate al diabete, come le malattie cardiache e l'ipertensione. Miti sulla dieta per ...
23 Июн
Secrets of an effective salt-free diet (E-News)
Salt-free Japanese dietThe salt-free Japanese diet has gained popularity due to its high efficiency. The first results are noticeable in just a few days after the beginning: weight is reduced, body volume decreases. This happens not only because of fat burning, but also due to the removal of excess fluid from the body. The role of salt in nutritionSalt has become an integral part of our diet. ...
22 Июн
Dieta terapéutica para la salud del corazón (E-News)
Si padece una enfermedad cardiaca o tiene un alto riesgo de padecerla, además de colesterol alto y diabetes, debería plantearse una dieta terapéutica para cambiar de estilo de vida. Desarrollada en 2001, esta dieta se recomienda a las personas con colesterol alto. ¿Por qué esta dieta en particular?La dieta terapéutica de modificación del estilo de vida permite ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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21 Июн
The EU approved new sanctions against Russia (E-News)
On Thursday, June 20, the European Union adopted a new, 14th package of sanctions against Russia, which is aimed at strengthening the response to Russian aggression against Ukraine. This was announced during a meeting of the EU Council under the chairmanship of Belgium. According to the announcement, the new sanctions package includes targeted measures and aims to maximize the effectiveness of ...
18 Июн
Norway continues to actively support Ukraine in restoring the damaged energy infrastructure (E-News)
Norway continues to actively support Ukraine in rebuilding its damaged energy infrastructure, allocating an additional NOK 1.1 billion (more than USD 73 million). Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Haar Støre announced this, noting that this assistance is very important in the context of massive attacks on the power grid by Russia, which led to significant destruction and interruptions in the ...
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