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22 октября 2024, вторник 04:09

№ 19595865

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


все новости раздела
с комментариями
21 Окт
How to Understand the True Reasons Behind Women's Cheating (E-News)
When it comes to cheating, society often shows indulgence towards male infidelity, justifying it with physiological characteristics and needs. However, female cheating still causes harsh condemnation and is perceived as a sign of moral weakness. Let's figure out why women cheat and what reasons are behind this act. One of the main factors is disappointment in the husband. Often, a woman marries ...
21 Окт
How to learn to trust your partner in a relationship (E-News)
Trust is one of the key aspects of any healthy and strong relationship. But it is often undermined by various doubts and insecurities. How to learn to trust your partner and create harmony in the family? 1. Family life is not military serviceMany couples mistakenly apply the principle of "trust, but verify" in relationships, believing that constant control will help avoid problems. However, ...
20 Окт
Stylish hairstyles for curly and wavy hair (E-News)
Curly hair has a special charm and effect that is in no way inferior to smooth curls. Instead of hiding their natural texture, owners of curly locks can safely experiment with hairstyles, emphasizing their individuality. Celebrities also know how to play up their curls, and their stylists offer many interesting ideas. Let's consider several stylish hairstyles that are suitable for curly and wavy ...
20 Окт
Secrets that men prefer to hide in relationships (E-News)
Despite the fact that honesty is an important component of any relationship, some topics remain classified as “secret” for most men. Revealing these topics can lead to misunderstandings or even problems in the relationship. Therefore, men prefer to keep them silent in order to maintain harmony. Let's consider several aspects that they most often keep to themselves. The first thing that men try ...
19 Окт
Преграды на пути дружбы между мужчиной и женщиной (E-News)
Дружба между мужчиной и женщиной — тема, вызывающая множество споров и разногласий. Многие считают, что такая дружба может существовать, но есть и те, кто утверждает, что привлекательный друг противоположного пола становится настоящей преградой. Социологи из University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire решили глубже изучить этот вопрос и выяснили, что 32% респондентов считают привлекательность друга ...
19 Окт
How to properly perform chocolate wrapping for the skin (E-News)
Chocolate not only pleases with its flavor, but also has many beneficial properties for the skin. Chocolate wrap is one of the most pleasant and effective procedures for maintaining the beauty and health of the skin. It makes the skin firm, moisturized and tightened, giving it a natural glow. However, it is important to perform this procedure correctly to maximize the benefits. The chocolate ...
19 Окт
How to get rid of sweaty feet (E-News)
Sweating feet is a problem that many people face, and it can cause a lot of inconvenience. This problem does not go away even in the cold season, which makes it especially relevant. Fortunately, there are many folk recipes that can help solve this problem. One of the effective remedies is a honey foot bath. To prepare it, you must first make a decoction of oak bark. To do this, take one part of ...
18 Окт
How honey helps in treating sore throat (E-News)
Sore throat is an infectious disease that almost everyone has encountered at least once in their life. The disease is accompanied by inflammation of the tonsils and fever. The main cause of inflammation is a violation of capillary blood circulation, which leads to the onset of the inflammatory process. Typical symptoms of sore throat include chills, weakness, severe headache and severe sore ...
17 Окт
Natural Shampoo for Volume: How to Make It at Home (E-News)
Modern hair care products often contain many chemical additives that, despite the promises of manufacturers, can do more harm than good. For those who want to maintain the beauty of their hair without risking its health, a great alternative is homemade shampoo made from natural ingredients. It will not only add volume to your hair, but also protect it from the effects of aggressive ...
17 Окт
How to achieve perfect eyebrows: important details (E-News)
Perfect eyebrows can significantly change the facial expression and create a complete look. Just a few square millimeters in the inner corner of the eyebrow can make a strong impression on others. If you pluck this corner vertically and strictly, without rounding, you will look like a strong and confident woman. Therefore, the right shape of eyebrows is of great importance for your ...
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