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18 сентября 2024, среда 18:45

№ 19626457

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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с комментариями
The Verkhovna Rada supported the draft law on raising taxes: what will change for businesses and citizens (E-News)
On the second attempt, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted in the first reading the government draft law No. 11416-d, which provides for a number of changes in the tax legislation. People's deputy from the "Golos" faction Yaroslav Zheleznyak reported this. Support for this draft law is considered a key stage on the way to a significant increase in tax rates, which can significantly affect ...
17 Сен
The launch is Permit: The first e-services for business will start on September 18 (E-News)
From September 18, 2024, the Unified state electronic system of permit documents, known as eDozvil, will begin its work in Ukraine. This new service will provide entrepreneurs with access to the first electronic service through the Diya portal. This was reported by Yulia Svyridenko, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of Ukraine. According to her, the innovation will allow a ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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Naftogaz concludes an agreement with UNDP on the purchase of gas piston units to ensure Ukraine's energy security (E-News)
Naftogaz Group is expanding cooperation with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to ensure energy security in Ukraine, in particular through the purchase of gas piston installations. This was announced by Oleksiy Chernyshov, head of Naftogaz, after a meeting with UNDP representatives. As part of this agreement, "Naftogaz" will acquire modern gas piston installations, which will ...
17 Сен
Ukrnafta named the countries of origin of gasoline and diesel for its gas stations (E-News)
PJSC "Ukrnafta" actively imports high-quality oil products of the Euro-5 standard to supply its gas stations. Among the main suppliers of the company are Sweden, Poland, Lithuania, Greece and Kuwait, which emphasizes the diversity of supply sources and the high quality of fuel for Ukrainian consumers. As the company's press service reports, at Ukrnafta gas stations, clients have the opportunity ...
16 Сен
The Maldives has entered into an agreement with China to avoid default (E-News)
The Maldives has found a potential way out of its financial crisis with a new deal with China that should help the country avoid default. According to Nikkei Asia, the Central Bank of China and the government of the Maldives have signed an important agreement that will strengthen economic cooperation and support payments in local currencies. The People's Bank of China and the Ministry of ...
13 Сен
Sales of hybrid cars in Ukraine increased by 76%: which models are in demand (E-News)
In August 2024, more than 3,100 hybrid cars, both HEV and PHEV, were added to the Ukrainian car fleet, which is a significant increase of 76% compared to last year. Such data were published in the latest report of "Ukravtoprom". According to the information, the share of new cars among sold hybrids was 58%, which is slightly less than 63% last year. This indicates the growing popularity of used ...
12 Сен
Ukraine loses $11.2 billion annually due to mined territories (E-News)
Ukraine suffers annual losses in the amount of 11.2 billion dollars due to mined areas and other explosive objects, which is 5.6% of the country's GDP for 2021. The main losses are related to the reduction of export of agricultural products and the reduction of local tax revenues. This information was made public by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine. According to a study by the Tony Blair ...
12 Сен
Україна потребує приблизно 14 мільярдів доларів для відновлення зруйнованих навчальних закладів (E-News)
Україна потребує приблизно 14 мільярдів доларів для відновлення зруйнованих і пошкоджених війною навчальних закладів протягом наступних дев'яти років. Цю інформацію озвучив заступник міністра освіти Андрій Вітренко під час міжнародної конференції United for Justice, повідомляє Інтерфакс-Україна. Вітренко зазначив, що в Україні кожен сьомий навчальний заклад або повністю зруйнований, або отримав ...
Новости - Украина - Наука и Новые технологии

Наука и Новые технологии

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13 Сен
In Lviv, mobile operators will test 5G: initial tests of the technology (E-News)
In the period from September 23 to October 8, the first test trials of 5G technology will take place in Lviv and its suburbs. The National Commission for the Regulation of Electronic Communications and the Radio Frequency Spectrum (NKEK) approved the conduct of these tests at the site at the entrance from the city of Vinniki to Lviv, near Lychakivska Street. This is an important stage on the way ...
Новости - Украина - Спорт


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17 Сен
Flexibility and relaxation: the basics of stretching (E-News)
Stretching, or stretching, is a set of exercises designed to gently stretch muscles. These exercises help to relax muscles, improve their elasticity and increase joint mobility. Unlike intense workouts, stretching is done slowly and calmly, making it ideal for de-stressing after a hard day or as a warm-up before a major workout. Stretching your muscles helps to improve blood circulation in them, ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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How to make buttocks perfect: simple tips and exercises (E-News)
Beautiful and taut shape of the buttocks - this is the goal of many women, especially with the approach of the summer season and beach vacations. After all, it is on the “fifth point” most often draw the attention of men. Let's look at how you can effectively train the buttocks and achieve the desired result. structure of the gluteal muscles and their importance There are three main muscles ...
Why your own scent is important for attractiveness (E-News)
Modern consumer culture is increasingly pushing us towards the idea of ​​completely eliminating natural human scent. Deodorant and perfume ads claim that eliminating body odor makes us more attractive. However, it is important to understand that it is the individual scent and its perception that play a key role in interpersonal relationships. Each person has a unique scent, which is ...
17 Сен
How to stay young after 35 (E-News)
One day you may hear on public transport: "Woman, are you getting off?" This moment may come as a surprise, because until recently you were sure that you were far from being a "woman". Looking in the mirror, you will notice subtle changes on your face that make you look mature. The question arises: what gives away your age? Wrinkles, fatigue or something else? And how to regain the appearance of ...
16 Сен
How to Improve Your Sleep Quality: Basic Tips (E-News)
Sleep plays a key role in maintaining our physical and mental health. Despite this, many of us face sleep problems, including insomnia and lack of rest. In this article, we will look at important factors that affect sleep quality and give some recommendations on how to improve it. 1. The Role of Sleep in Human LifeSleep not only performs the functions of relaxation and recovery, but also a ...
16 Сен
Breast Care: Secrets of Beauty and Health (E-News)
Breast care is not only a matter of aesthetics, but also an important aspect of a woman’s overall health. Breasts require special attention and regular care to maintain their beauty and elasticity for many years. In this article, we will discuss the basic rules of breast care that will help you stay confident and enjoy your reflection in the mirror. contrast procedures for elasticityOne of the ...
15 Сен
How to prepare shampoo at home: useful recipes and tips (E-News)
Modern stores offer a wide range of cosmetic products, among which shampoos occupy a special place. However, like many other products, shampoos can be prepared independently at home. This not only allows you to control the composition and avoid unwanted chemical additives, but can also be an interesting and useful activity. In this article, we'll look at a few recipes for homemade shampoos that ...
15 Сен
Benefits of sweet peppers for women's health (E-News)
Sweet pepper, despite its name, is not what it might seem at first glance. This wonderful vegetable crop has many health benefits that are especially important for women's health. The discovery of peppers came about due to a mistake made by navigators who sought to find spices in the New World, but instead discovered peppers that later became known as “sweet peppers.” Recent research by ...
14 Сен
Secrets of lasting happiness in family life (E-News)
How to maintain a strong and happy marriage for many years? The secrets to marital happiness may seem simple, but following them requires constant effort and understanding. Here are nine key principles that help keep love and respect in a relationship for years to come. 1- Renouncing Old Attachments One of the most important steps in creating a successful marriage is being able to let go of old ...
14 Сен
How to alleviate discomfort during the critical days (E-News)
For many women, critical days become a real ordeal. Pain, discomfort and emotional swings can seriously disrupt the usual rhythm of life. But what to do if the pain becomes unbearable and prevents you from doing everyday activities? In this article, we will consider how you can alleviate pain and make these days more comfortable. what is algomenorrhea and how it manifests itselfAlgomenorrhea is ...
13 Сен
How to cope with tension and stress (E-News)
In our daily rhythm, stress and overload have become commonplace. The concept of "relaxation" sometimes causes confusion, associating it with exotic practices or superficial rest, but in fact, relaxation is an important aspect that can significantly improve the quality of life. The word "relaxation" often evokes associations with training or Eastern practices, which do not always correspond to ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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16 Сен
Lithuania announced the shipment of M113 armored personnel carriers to Ukraine (E-News)
Lithuania has announced the shipment of M113 armored personnel carriers, as well as SUVs and spare parts for them, to Ukraine by the end of this week. This is an important component of support that will help the Ukrainian armed forces in demining territories. The Ministry of Defense of Lithuania reported on this initiative, emphasizing that the assistance provided will significantly increase the ...
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