World Piano Day
World Piano Day is held on March 29. A annual worldwide event founded by a group of likeminded people, takes place on the 88th day of the year – because of the number of keys on the instrument being celebrated. This event in the third decade of the month March is annual.
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The Piano is Classified as a String and Percussion Instrument. Up until the 1950s, piano keys were made from elephant tusks. Today, in order to protect and preserve elephants, most piano keys are made from plastic. Pedals on pianos are called – from left to right – una corda, sostenuto, and the sustain pedal. The largest piano ever made weighs 1.4 tons and is 5.7 meters long.
The first piano was invented in 1709 by an Italian harpsichord maker Bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori. The piano was first called gravicembalo col piano e forte, which roughly translates to “soft and loud keyboard instrument.” Pianos cover all 88 notes of the musical scale, unlike other instruments, offering an incredible, unparalleled range.
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