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I wish that our people recover their dignity. Theme - «Quotes from the U.N. and other Officials»

15 quotes & wishes
Quotes and pictures for Quotes from the U.N. and other Officials. «I wish that our people recover their dignity» quotation with photo.
«I wish that our people recover their dignity» illustrated quotation. Quotes from the U.N. and other Officials, free quote pictures for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, Pinterest and other social networks.
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Quotes & Wishes - I wish that our people recover their dignity I wish that our people recover their dignity

Today, I wish that the millions of displaced people would be able to return with the necessary conditions of safety and dignity, that people in exile could return to their home-country as the intelligence is needed, that cruelty, political killings, poverty and hunger cease. I wish that our people recover their dignity, truth is revealed and justice exists.
Alirio Uribe Munoz
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