Remembrance day of the Latvian legionnaires in Latvia
Remembrance day of the Latvian legionnaires in Latvia is held on March 16. This event in the second decade of the month March is annual.
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Legionnaires carried Latvian flags under their uniforms as a symbol of hope. The Latvian Legion was a taboo topic in the Soviet arts as well. Throughout its entire existence, the Latvian legion was involved in war activities against the USSR army in the Eastern front. It did not participate in repressive actions against civilians and anti-partisan campaigns.
In the years after the war, 16 March was chosen by the Latvian Legion veterans' organisation in Western exile, Daugavas Vanagi, as the day of the Latvian Legion, to commemorate a battle on the eastern shore of the Velikaya River for Hill "93,4" (the source of the Velikaya is located in the Bezhanitsy Hills in the northwest of Novosokolnichesky District), fought by both 15th and the 19th Waffen-SS divisions. In 1990, Legion veterans started commemorating March 16 in Latvia.