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CalendarMarch1 → Professional Engineer's Day in Canada

Professional Engineer's Day in Canada

Professional Engineer's Day in Canada is held on March 1. Month of March. This event in the first decade of the month March is annual. Help us Help us 
1 March - Professional Engineer's Day in Canada
The most popular undergraduate engineering program in Canada is mechanical; mining engineering is the least popular.
March is National Engineering Month. It is Canada’s biggest celebration of excellence in engineering. Every year, many events take place across the country. These events help young Canadians learn about the exciting disciplines of engineering and highlight the accomplishments of engineering in Canada.
In 1854, the first engineering school in Canada was established at King’s College, which later became the University of New Brunswick. In 1936 called the Dominion Council of Professional Engineers, which is known today as Engineers Canada. Ontario Tech is a university that prides itself on its innovative programs in science and technology. Engineering is filled with several meaningful traditions. One popular tradition found in engineering schools is the purpling of clothing using Gentian Violet dye. This tradition stems from the attire of the Marine Engineers on board the Titanic, who wore purple during their attempt to delay the inevitable sinking of the ship. Another tradition found in engineering schools across Canada is the “Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer.” They are also given their iron ring, which represents the pride and humility of the engineering profession, as well as reminding them of the devastating impact a mistake in their field could make.

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