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CalendarFebruary4 → Porridge Day in Latvia

Porridge Day in Latvia

Porridge Day in Latvia is held on February 4. Biezputras Diena. This event in the first decade of the month February is annual. Help us Help us 
4 February - Porridge Day in Latvia
Biezputras Diena or Porridge Day is the first Sunday in Lent or the Sunday before the feast (Vastalia). As tradition dictates, the porridge should be prepared and eaten the same morning. The children are told in advance that they will take the leftover porridge to the hill for the shepherds to eat during the summer. If there is any leftover porridge, they take it, if not, they put ash in a bowl and pour water in a jug instead of milk. All the children in the house are blindfolded and put on a sled. The children are given a bowl with porridge and a jug with milk, and the adults pull the sledge. When the sledge is pulled, they turn it upside down and pour milk and porridge on the children explaining that the sledge has turned over, the milk and porridge have spilled and now the shepherds will have nothing to eat in summer. Then they all go home, sad.

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