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CalendarJune26 → Gladmat in Stavanger, Norway

Gladmat in Stavanger, Norway

Gladmat in Stavanger, Norway is held on June 26. One of Norway’s biggest and most important food festivals is taking place yearly in Stavanger. This event in the third decade of the month June is annual. Help us Help us 
26 June - Gladmat in Stavanger, Norway
Gladmat is an important ambassador for food culture and enjoyment all year through and aims to be Norways most important meeting place for chefs, food producers, and foodies.
Gladmat means «Happy Food» in Norwegian. Gladmat has since its start in 1998 established itself as Scandinavia’s leading food festival. The festival is situated in the heart of Stavanger in the middle of the summer where about 100 large and small exhibitors offer a taste of both new products and traditional food.

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