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CalendarAugust26 → International Actor's and Actress's Day

International Actor's and Actress's Day

International Actor's and Actress's Day is held on August 26. This event in the third decade of the month August is annual. Help us Help us 
26 August - International Actor's and Actress's Day
It is one of the oldest artistic professions of humanity. Being an actor or actress requires professional preparation, humility, passion and discipline to execute a masterful interpretation of the characters that characterize.
On August 26, homage is paid to those men and women of the film, television and theater genres who, with their talent, give the best of themselves in the world of the performing arts. International Actors and Actresses Day is celebrated.
The International Day of the Actor and Actress is celebrated in honor of Saint Ginés. A Roman actor of the 3rd century who, during a parodic interpretation of a baptism, was so involved in his performance that at that moment he declared himself to be a true Christian. In spite of this he was tortured and beheaded, accused of blasphemy.
Later, the Catholic Church named him patron saint of the theater, since they considered that "through fiction, he had gained access to the truth".
The actors and actresses transmit the essence of the characters they play with dedication and passion, building spaces for art and reflection, being able to convey the deepest emotions.

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