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CalendarOctober7 → Teachers' Day in Laos

Teachers' Day in Laos

Teachers' Day in Laos is held on October 7. This event in the first decade of the month October is annual. Help us Help us 
7 October - Teachers' Day in Laos
We believe that the teacher is the most respected person after our parents. Our teachers in Laos constantly rave about the warmth and hospitality that the Lao locals are known for. It’s very important for the teacher to learn the background of the child’s family. Training for teachers in rural areas improves educational access and quality in Laotian villages. This is especially true when investments are made to support training for young female teachers that focus specifically on improving the education of young girls and mans in villages.
Parental love to their children is unconditional love and the same thing is expected from a teacher, who would assume the responsibility of being a parent in terms of providing knowledge and guidance to all students as if they were his/her own children.

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