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CalendarDecember18 → Twins Day

Twins Day

Twins Day is held on December 18. This event in the second decade of the month December is annual. Help us Help us 
18 December - Twins Day
This special day was usually celebrated on the first weekend of August each year, but in 2019, it was proclaimed that National Twin Day was to be observed on December 18.
National Twins Day was inspired by a pair of twins, Moses and Aaron Wilcox. In 1819, this pair of identical twins donated 6 acres of land to the town of Millsville, Ohio on the condition that it change its name to Twinsburg. In 1976, the grateful town of Twinsburg began hosting an annual festival for twins.
Twins Days was held annually on the first full weekend in August in Twinsburg, Ohio, United States to celebrate biological twins (and other multiples, e.g. triplets, quads). The event has taken place every summer since 1976 when the festival was founded by a group of Twinsburg citizens, based on a concept developed by Ray Diersing, Sage Hiller, and Ari Hiller. The first time Twins Day was proposed to city council, it was rejected; city council thought it was a bad idea. It is the largest annual gathering of twins in the world, and draws thousands of participants from all over the United States and elsewhere in the world.
The festival has developed its own traditions over the years. The festival attracts many members of the scientific community, who use the presence of thousands of identical and fraternal twins to conduct voluntary twin studies, in order to determine the genetic or non-genetic basis of a wide range of human traits. Twins are customarily rewarded for their participation.

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