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CalendarMay28 → Kindergartens Day in Argentina

Kindergartens Day in Argentina

Kindergartens Day in Argentina is held on May 28. This event in the third decade of the month May is annual. Help us Help us 
28 May - Kindergartens Day in Argentina
The work of teachers, at this age, is not only about nurturing, it requires professional performance and dedication to the task. The teachers project their actions with the children according to their plans and their work is very remarkable. Every May 28th, the "Day of Kindergartens and Kindergarten Teachers" is celebrated in Argentina in commemoration of Rosario Vera Peñaloza, who dedicated her life to teaching and founded the first kindergarten in Argentina, who died on May 28th, 1950.
The kindergarten is a school because there we learn to be with others, to get out of ourselves. Children go to kindergarten to be truly listened to and to inhabit other lives through the stories that are constructed there. They go to ask and to wonder, to look and to look at themselves, through the loving lens of play. They go to open themselves to a conversation that humanizes them as children and gives childhood back to humanity as a whole. They go to speak with their own words, because in the room (which is a classroom) of the kindergarten (which is a school) the word is open to make it their own.

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