Birthday of Don Luis Muñoz Rivera in Puerto Rico
Birthday of Don Luis Muñoz Rivera in Puerto Rico is held on July 21. Celebrated on the third Monday of July. This event in the third decade of the month July is annual.
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He was a major figure in the struggle for political autonomy of Puerto Rico. Conmemoración del Natalicio de Luis Muñoz Rivera (Birthday of Luis Muñoz Rivera). Celebrated on the third Monday in July, this is a commonwealth holiday. It celebrates the life and achievements of Luis Munoz Rivera, a prominent journalist, poet, and politician who advocated independence from Spain and later, the United States.
Muñoz Marín participated in that and the drafting of the Constitution of Puerto Rico. It was passed by 82% of the people of Puerto Rico, and approved by the United States Congress in 1952. Supporters of independence left the PPD and founded the Puerto Rican Independence Party soon after.
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