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CalendarAugust26 → Actors Day in Argentina and Solidarity Day

Actors Day in Argentina and Solidarity Day

Actors Day in Argentina and Solidarity Day is held on August 26. In honor of Mother Teresa’s birthday. This event in the third decade of the month August is annual. Help us Help us 
26 August - Actors Day in Argentina and Solidarity Day
On this day we salute the actresses and actors, who guide our daily work in defense of their rights. The interpretive work of our compañeras and compañeros has a cultural and social role that is fundamental for the identity of the peoples.
This day is celebrated in memory of Saint Ginés of Rome, a third-century actor, considered a martyr by Catholic tradition. The story goes that during a theatrical performance in front of Emperor Diocletian and the politicians of the time, Ginés mockingly parodies the sacrament of Christian baptism.
At the moment of interpreting the act of baptism a miracle happened. Upon receiving the water, he himself converted to Catholicism and expressed a firm belief in the faith of Christ. Then, he exhorted those present to receive the sacrament and the same act of faith occurred in the Emperor. However, the politicians present considered the performance blasphemous and sentenced Ginés to torture and then beheading. Ginés became the theatrical saint, since he found God in the full exercise of his profession, interpreting a fiction he found a truth, and by defending it he found martyrdom and death.
San Ginés (or Genesius) is represented with a mask, symbol of the theater, and a string instrument. He has inspired great artists. Based on his story, Lope de Vega wrote the tragicomedy “Lo fingido verdad”, the French playwright Jean de Rotrou created “El true San Ginés” and Henri Gheon, the drama “The comedian trapped in his comedy”.
In our country, the NATIONAL Day of the Actor is also celebrated every year, on the second Monday of May. This day was established in 1992, through Law 24,171, which was sanctioned on September 30 and promulgated on October 26 of that year.

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