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CalendarJanuary1 → First Foot Day

First Foot Day

First Foot Day is held on January 1. This event in the first decade of the month January is annual. Help us Help us 
1 January - First Foot Day
This is a traditional part of First Footing that's usually overlooked these days, but it used to be very important. Traditionally, you would say to the first person entering your home: “The best of luck to ye! And mony may yer lum reek!”
Stemming back to the time of the invading Vikings in the 8th and 9th century, it is believed that the first person to enter a house, the “first foot”, can bring luck – or misfortune – for the year ahead. In Scottish tradition good luck comes in the form of a tall, dark-haired man being the first footer.
First Foot Day, on January 1, is about celebrating the New Year as per the Scottish and North England tradition of bringing good luck upon your home by being the first person to set foot inside at the beginning of the year.

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