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CalendarAugust16 → Tell a Joke Day

Tell a Joke Day

Tell a Joke Day is held on August 16. This event in the second decade of the month August is annual. Help us Help us 
16 August - Tell a Joke Day
Jokes, gags, puns, pickup lines, memes, and more are celebrated on Tell A Joke Day on August 16. A little giggle can go a long way. In fact, I’d go as far as to say that laughing is highly contagious. One person laughs, then another, then another and before you know it,everyone’s laughing! But you know what's even better than having a jolly good laugh? It’s giving other people a reason to chuckle! And what better way to do that than to tell a joke? So this ‘Tell a Joke Day’, let’s spread some cheer by telling a joke!

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