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CalendarJune8 → Wine Tour Mainz-Ebersheim

Wine Tour Mainz-Ebersheim

Wine Tour Mainz-Ebersheim is held on June 8. This event in the first decade of the month June is annual. Help us Help us 
8 June - Wine Tour Mainz-Ebersheim
At 120 hectares, the Ebersheim district is the largest in Mainz and accounts for more than half of the vineyards. Every year on Whit Sunday, 14 winegrowers in the Ebersheim vineyards organize the Ebersheim wine hike through the vineyards south of the village, the Ebersheim vineyards "Hüttberg", "Weinkeller" and "Sand".
The traditional wine tavern is connected to the Nauth winery in the heart of Mainz-Ebersheim. Here you have the opportunity to taste the wines while enjoying good food. There is no better place in the world, and nowhere does wine taste better than directly in the vineyard.

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