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CalendarDecember5 → International Ninja Day

International Ninja Day

International Ninja Day is held on December 5. This event in the first decade of the month December is annual. Help us Help us 
5 December - International Ninja Day
Ninja Burger created International Ninja Day to celebrate their speedy burger-flippin' skills. The international holiday was created in 2003 and since then the day is celebrated every year on December 5. Since then video games, card games, and comic books have been released. Video games released by Ninja Burger, Ninja Burger 1st and 2nd edition became quite popular and even won awards.
Ninja's wore masks like modern soldiers paint their faces with camouflage. Masks were an occasional piece of ninja attire when maximum stealth was necessary. Many ninjas were female.
Prepare for the Annual Day of the Ninja. Forget 'Talk Like a Pirate' Day. This will truly be our chance to show the world what ninja are made of.

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