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CalendarJanuary29 → Curmudgeons Day

Curmudgeons Day

Curmudgeons Day is held on January 29. This event in the third decade of the month January is annual. Help us Help us 
29 January - Curmudgeons Day
The world needs curmudgeons. We'd fall prey to every hare-brained scheme going if it weren't for grumpy old men and women.
Here are few ways to deal with the office curmudgeon. Don't set them off. If you have to approach the curmudgeon, tread lightly. Try and create a (small) bond. The curmudgeon may not completely let anyone in, but you can at least try and get them on your side. Appreciate them.
Curmudgeons take pride in being contrarians. They don't just take the popular positions or the easy ones. They aren't scared to go against the grain. Curmudgeons do not go along with the group in order to get along. They are willing to tick everyone off to voice their stance on an issue, even if they become unpopular as a result.

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