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CalendarOctober2 → National Environment Day in Chile

National Environment Day in Chile

National Environment Day in Chile is held on October 2. This event in the first decade of the month October is annual. Help us Help us 
2 October - National Environment Day in Chile
Every year since 2014, on October 2, Chileans have celebrated National Environment Day, a date designed to contribute to their environmental education by highlighting the motivation of people and industries to become active agents of sustainable and equitable development.
The conservation of the environment is everyone's task, and with small actions that contribute to the increase of circular economy we can generate great changes to our ecosystem. Thus, we invite you to take care of and reuse water; prefer reusable containers and packaging; turn off lights when it is not necessary to turn them on; use biodegradable products; send digital information instead of printing on paper; apply the concept of the 3Rs: reduce, recycle, reuse; and correctly manage the waste you generate.

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