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CalendarAugust25 → Miners' Day in Ukraine

Miners' Day in Ukraine

Miners' Day in Ukraine is held on August 25. It is celebrated on the last Sunday of August. This event in the third decade of the month August is annual. Help us Help us 
25 August - Miners' Day in Ukraine
The official professional annual holiday Miner's Day, the celebration of which was established on the last Sunday of August. The first Miner's Day celebration was held on August 29, 1948. The good tradition of celebrating Miner's Day has been preserved even after the return of sovereignty to the former Soviet republics. So, according to the already established tradition, the miners of Belarus and Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan celebrate their professional holiday. In Ukraine, this Day was fixed in accordance with the new legislation by the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated August 16, 1993 No. 304/93 and is called the "Day of the Miner", continuing to be celebrated annually on the last Sunday of August.

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