National Microbiologist and Clinical Chemist Day in Costa Rica
National Microbiologist and Clinical Chemist Day in Costa Rica is held on May 16. This event in the second decade of the month May is annual.
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Microbiology is the science responsible for the study and analysis of microorganisms, which include viruses, fungi, bacteria and parasites. In Costa Rica, the training of personnel in Microbiology began in 1913, with Dr. Clodomiro Picado Twight. Clodomiro Picado Twight, who was assigned the direction of the Laboratory of the San Juan de Dios Hospital where he began to train personnel until 1946 when the University of Costa Rica created the Section of Bacteriology and then the Faculty of Microbiology, where he also taught hematology, immunology and clinical chemistry, immunology and clinical chemistry, which consolidated the Microbiologists and Clinical Chemists that to date are responsible for the diagnosis and monitoring of diseases in clinical laboratories in the country, as well as research, teaching, industry, veterinary among others.
Dr. Clodomiro Picado also contributed with research in different fields, his interest in farmers suffering from snake bites and with international alliances he managed to bring the first antiophidic serums from Brazil, he also worked with fungal preparations that he used in the treatment of some infections and that later would be described as penicillin.
For all the contributions that Dr. Picado made at the level of teaching, research and development of the country in the sciences is that the day he died, May 16 is designated as the Day of the Microbiologist, to remember the ethical, humanitarian and service bases that created the profession in country.
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