No Selfies Day
No Selfies Day is held on March 16. This event in the second decade of the month March is annual.
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Up to 95% of young adults have taken a selfie. It is impossible to imagine the modern world without selfies - the passion for them has become global, embracing everyone from top politicians and showbiz stars to ordinary people. Women take 1.5 times as many selfies as men. Most selfie-takers are of the average age of 23.6 years old.
No Selfie Day is an unofficial holiday that originated in the United States and is celebrated on the birthday of Philip Kahn, who invented the mobile phone camera.
Let's all put down our phones and unplug from the selfie obsession on No Selfies Day, March 16! This holiday was created to promote self-love and healthy body image by taking a break from oversharing photos of ourselves online.
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