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CalendarNovember3 → Art Day in Argentina

Art Day in Argentina

Art Day in Argentina is held on November 3. This event in the first decade of the month November is annual. Help us Help us 
3 November - Art Day in Argentina
The anniversary commemorates the death of the Argentine painter and architect Prilidiano Pueyrredón and, in turn, honors all those who work in the discipline.
On a day like today but in 1870, one of the national artists who had the greatest impact on Argentine cultural life passed into immortality. Prilidiano Pueyrredón left his mark in the history of Argentine art with his works based mainly on the representation of country life and the gaucho, but also the life of urban neighborhoods, the suburbs and city life. In his memory, the Day of the Argentine Plastic Artist is celebrated every November 3.
There are anniversaries that are celebrated all over the world on the same date, while there are others that, in addition to the international anniversary, have their national recognition, which usually takes place on another day and for another reason. Such is the case with Plastics Artists' Day, which is celebrated on September 21 and nationally on November 3, in memory of the death of this famous Argentine artist and architect.

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