People with Parkinson’s are not some weird people on the edge of human experience.
Helen Mirren
Quotes and wishes: «Parkinson’s»
Benefits of coffee
You get the health benefits of coffee up through about the first twenty-four ounces. It’s the biggest source of antioxidants for Americans, and we think it helps prevent Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s as well.
Mehmet Oz
Quotes and wishes: «Parkinson’s»
In fact, Parkinson’s has made me a better person. A better husband, father and overall human being.
Michael J. Fox
Quotes and wishes: «Parkinson’s»
Four or more cups of coffee a day
People who drink four or more cups of coffee a day - it doesn’t matter whether it is caffeinated or decaffeinated - have a reduction in Type 2 diabetes, or a reduced incidence of Type 2 diabetes, of about fifty percent. The same with Parkinson’s, although there it is more related to the caffeine.
Gregory Stock
Quotes and wishes: «Parkinson’s»
I forgot to worry about Parkinson’s
Worrying won’t prevent the worst outcome. I’ve learned to live in the moment, which is not my natural tendency. I’ve always thought that if I worried about something enough, it wouldn’t happen. I forgot to worry about Parkinson’s.
Tracy Pollan
Quotes and wishes: «Parkinson’s»
I have nothing but choices about how I react to it
I have no choice about whether or not I have Parkinson’s. I have nothing but choices about how I react to it. In those choices, there’s freedom to do a lot of things in areas that I wouldn’t have otherwise found myself in.
Michael J. Fox
Quotes and wishes: «Parkinson’s»
I started looking at the things I could change
The moment I understood this - that my Parkinson’s was the one thing I wasn’t going to change - I started looking at the things I could change, like the way research is funded.
Michael J. Fox
Quotes and wishes: «Parkinson’s»
I wanted to kill him
You’ve probably read in People that I’m a nice guy - but when the doctor first told me I had Parkinson’s, I wanted to kill him.
Michael J. Fox
Quotes and wishes: «Parkinson’s»
It’s like…
With Parkinson’s, it’s like you’re in the middle of the street and you’re stuck there in cement shoes and you know a bus is coming at you, but you don’t know when. You think you can hear it rumbling, but you have a lot of time to think. And so you just don’t live that moment of the bus hitting you until it happens. There’s all kinds of room in that space.
Michael J. Fox
Quotes and wishes: «Parkinson’s»
It’s not my totality
If you asked my kids to describe me, they’d go through a whole list of words before even thinking about Parkinson’s. And honestly, I don’t think about it that much either. I talk about it because it’s there, but it’s not my totality.
Michael J. Fox
Quotes and wishes: «Parkinson’s»
Million other choices that I can make
I often say now I don’t have any choice whether or not I have Parkinson’s, but surrounding that non-choice is a million other choices that I can make.
Michael J. Fox
Quotes and wishes: «Parkinson’s»
My life has been amazing
My life has been amazing. How many other ladies of 76 can say that the snapshot on their senior citizen’s card was taken by Norman Parkinson?
Carmen Dell’Orefice
Quotes and wishes: «Parkinson’s»
Nobody knows why
If you want to lower your risk of Parkinson’s disease, caffeine is protective to some extent; nobody knows why. Head injuries are bad for you. They lead to Parkinson’s disease.
Gregory Petsko
Quotes and wishes: «Parkinson’s»
Not a big topic
Just as Parkinson’s isn’t a big topic of conversation in my house, neither is my career.
Michael J. Fox
Quotes and wishes: «Parkinson’s»
Not in a pitying way
I take the medication for myself so I can transact, not for anyone else. But I am aware that it is empowering for people to see what I do and, for the most part, people in the Parkinson’s community are just really happy that Parkinson’s is getting mentioned, and not in a pitying way. Michael J. Fox
Quotes and wishes: «Parkinson’s»
Parkinson’s is about movement
As much as Parkinson’s is about movement, the end stage is being frozen. So the more I let that happen, the more I’m gonna be stuck within that and unable to reverse it.
Michael J. Fox
Quotes and wishes: «Parkinson’s»
Part of a Parkinson’s community
I discovered that I was part of a Parkinson’s community with similar experiences and similar questions that I’d been dealing with alone.
Michael J. Fox
Quotes and wishes: «Parkinson’s»
Preventive factor
Coffee is already known to be a preventive factor against mild depression, Parkinson’s disease, and colon and rectal cancers.
Chris Kilham
Quotes and wishes: «Parkinson’s»
The most important thing
The most important thing is to bring people with Parkinson’s into our world and for the public to have a real understanding of it, as they’re beginning to have with autism.
Helen Mirren
Quotes and wishes: «Parkinson’s»
This Parkinson’s does slow you down
I found that this Parkinson’s does slow you down, whether you want to slow down or not.
Billy Graham
Quotes and wishes: «Parkinson’s»
Tracy’s big challenge
So what I say about Tracy is this: Tracy’s big challenge is not having a Parkinson’s patient for a husband. It’s having me for a husband. I happen to be a Parkinson’s patient.
Michael J. Fox
Quotes and wishes: «Parkinson’s»
Treatment was not as good as it is now
He had Parkinson’s disease for about, I’d say diagnosed for about 11 of the last years of his life. And treatment was not as good as it is now, of course. We’re still going along and he died in ’85 and he was 77.