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«Innocent Children Victims of Aggression»

14 quotes & wishes
Quotes and wishes: «Innocent Children Victims of Aggression»

Quotes & Wishes - Caught up in armed conflicts Caught up in armed conflicts

We must pay attention to the millions of children of this generation who are caught up in armed conflicts. How can we protect them from the worst consequences of war? And when hostilities cease, how can we take the war out of them? By eliminating landmines, controlling the sale of small arms, raising the age of recruitment … are all essential measures. By reuniting children with their families and providing programs of physical and psychological rehabilitation.
Landon Pearson
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Quotes and wishes: «Innocent Children Victims of Aggression»

Quotes & Wishes - Child soldiers Child soldiers

The saddest sight these days is the image of hundreds of thousands of children kidnapped and lured into being child soldiers from the age of eight.
Sir Roger Moore
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Quotes and wishes: «Innocent Children Victims of Aggression»

Quotes & Wishes - Children are targets Children are targets

it is clear that increasingly, children are targets, not incidental casualties, of armed conflict.
Graca Machel-Mandela
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Quotes and wishes: «Innocent Children Victims of Aggression»

Quotes & Wishes - Instruments of war Instruments of war

Compelled to become instruments of war, to kill and be killed, child soldiers are forced to give violent expression to the hatreds of adults.
Olara Otunnu
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Quotes and wishes: «Innocent Children Victims of Aggression»

Quotes & Wishes - It is always an evil, never a good It is always an evil, never a good

War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other’s children.
Jimmy Carter
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Quotes and wishes: «Innocent Children Victims of Aggression»

Quotes & Wishes - It must be everyone’s concern It must be everyone’s concern

The impact of armed conflict on children is everyone’s responsibility. And it must be everyone’s concern.
Graca Machel-Mandela
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Quotes and wishes: «Innocent Children Victims of Aggression»

Quotes & Wishes - Our children have a right to peace Our children have a right to peace

Therefore my challenge to each of you ... is that you ask yourself what you can do to make a difference. And then take that action, no matter how large or how small. For our children have a right to peace.
Graca Machel-Mandela
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Quotes and wishes: «Innocent Children Victims of Aggression»

Quotes & Wishes - Out of school Out of school

Over 20 million children of conflict are out of school. Education is often forgotten.
Angelina Jolie
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Quotes and wishes: «Innocent Children Victims of Aggression»

Quotes & Wishes - Safety and security don’t just happen Safety and security don’t just happen

Safety and security don’t just happen, they are the result of collective consensus and public investment. We owe our children, the most vulnerable citizens in our society, a life free of violence and fear.
Nelson Mandela
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Quotes and wishes: «Innocent Children Victims of Aggression»

Quotes & Wishes - The facts of life The facts of life

The facts of life are that a child who has seen war cannot be compared with a child who doesn’t know what war is except from television.
Sophia Loren
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Quotes and wishes: «Innocent Children Victims of Aggression»

Quotes & Wishes - The greatest gift The greatest gift

The greatest gift we can give to our children is to raise them in a culture of peace.
Louise Diamond
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Quotes and wishes: «Innocent Children Victims of Aggression»

Quotes & Wishes - Unifying force Unifying force

In a disparate world, children are a unifying force capable of bringing us all together in support of a common ethic.
Graca Machel-Mandela
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Quotes and wishes: «Innocent Children Victims of Aggression»

Quotes & Wishes - We shall have to begin with the children We shall have to begin with the children

If we are ever to have real peace in this world we shall have to begin with the children.
Mohandas K. Gandhi
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Quotes and wishes: «Innocent Children Victims of Aggression»

Quotes & Wishes - When we save children, we save ourselves When we save children, we save ourselves

The solution of adult problems tomorrow depends in large measure upon the way our children grow up today. There is no greater insight into the future than recognizing that, when we save children, we save ourselves.
Margaret Mead
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