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7 quotes & wishes
Quotes and wishes: «Honey»

Quotes & Wishes - Even millionaires Even millionaires

I shouldn’t think even millionaires could eat anything nicer than new bread and real butter and honey for tea.
(I Capture the Castle)
Dodie Smith
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Quotes and wishes: «Honey»

Quotes & Wishes - Hydrating and antiseptic Hydrating and antiseptic

Honey is hydrating and antiseptic. It really clears your skin, and it’s moisturizing. You can use it every day if you want. It’s so gentle.
Jessica Pare
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Quotes and wishes: «Honey»

Quotes & Wishes - I love it I love it

At home, I warm milk, stir in two teaspoons of honey, and drink it in a teacup. It’s so basic yet pure; I love it.
Daniel Humm
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Quotes and wishes: «Honey»

Quotes & Wishes - If the bee disappears If the bee disappears

If the bee disappears from the surface of the Earth, man would have no more than four years left to live.
Albert Einstein
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Quotes and wishes: «Honey»

Quotes & Wishes - The honey in my veins The honey in my veins

What is happenng to me happens to all fruits that grow ripe. It is the honey in my veins that makes my blood thicker, and my soul quieter.
Friedrich Nietzsche
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Quotes and wishes: «Honey»

Quotes & Wishes - The keeping of bees The keeping of bees

The keeping of bees is like the direction of sunbeams.
Henry David Thoreau
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Quotes and wishes: «Honey»

Quotes & Wishes - What I like best What I like best

“Well," said Pooh, "what I like best," and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn’t know what it was called.
A.A. Milne
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